True Characteristics of Friendship that'll make both relationship Endure a Lifetime

in #friendship6 years ago (edited)


Friendship is one of the best thing life has given to mankind. In fact it's a gift from God. It's a treasure that one is blessed to have if he/she has already achieved such milestone. Friendship is not earned nor labeled overnight, rather it's built through time. It has to undergo painful sharpening first before the real content of you stands out making you say you truly both reached such milestone.

Sometimes, we all even say, you have to quarrel hard first or not see each other for a long time to really test the guts of ones friendship. But for us, this group, neither of these things really applied, for friendship is not based on the common standards of the majority's ways but it's the hearts being harmoniously interconnected despite differences and variety.


Ptr. Wowen gracefully looking at the menu. A sign of peace at the price perphaps. Hahahaa.

Recently, a friend from Qatar came to visit us who's name is Ptr. Wowen. She stayed with us for one month but she already keeps on coming back here in cebu for the last couple of years. And during those times, to tell you honestly, our friendship and acquintances was not really that close and intimate yet not until her recent stay here.

That's why right at this moment, allow me to narrate the highlights of these memorable moments together and unveil to you the important characteristics of friendship we eventually discovered from one another.

1. Friendship has to have a definite FOUNDATION.

Foundation here, doesn't mean REASON but an ANCHOR. In your friendship, WHAT holds you together? Is that foundation enduring? or will it just be like one of your previous friendships that the progression of time snatches it away.

For us, simply the foundation is God. We acknowledge and fully understand that without Him we are just merely strangers up until now. He knit our paths together and made us met halfway at the center. And from there, then this big bang collision starts, forming this kind of gang we have now.


The squad at Marco Polo Hotel all grateful and blessed to have each other. The photographer must have did it so good to still capture the towering name of the Hotel.


Us as we head our way to their lobby. Truly eager now to rest after such long travel to be here.

2. In friendship, there has to be a TRUE, OPEN and TEACHABLE hearts of both parties.

Always normal are quarrels and misundertandings to sprout out, however what most of us also particularly missed is it should also be normal to have that teachable heart willing to be corrected and to accept ones mistakes. One major enemy of this act is PRIDE. Again on my previous blog about it folks,
it's not really worth it. Dont give a chance for PRIDE to ruin the hard and difficult times you both build for friendship and be it just suddenly blown at one time. Value time and relationship.

For us, we are really honest when it comes to going out example for a food. We always make sure that one is not pressured to do the blow out and pay the whole cost. We openly say to one another that we only have this much and from there we genuinely chipped in according to what we have. So we never really lack out of something because even the food we all wholesomely share.


One of the crew of the restaurant took us a photo while waiting for the food to be served. But take note, let's give it to Ptr. Wowen who did the blow out as her welcome rite. Hahahaha.


3. In friendship you HONOR, RESPECT and LOVE each other.

I think needless to explain this part right? since these are basic qualities mankind should possess. Anyway, as I narrate my continuation to number 2, we have a member who really doesn't have a budget for this food out so what happened is he openly said to us that he got no money for it. He is not ashamed to tell us because we are set to do things like this everytime we are in this kind of situation. This is a sign of comfortability with one another. So we shoulder his part not because of anything else but because we just value and honor him as an important part of this team. Each one is valuable and important. And it should just sadden to a real friendship if one couldn't come to a certain gathering.


Ptr. Wowen all stunned upon seeing the ensaymada being served at Marco Polo. By the way right after Marina Sea View, the route the next following day is at Marco Polo. Maybe your'e all confused as where did we really stay. Hahahaa. Anyway, yah that's it.


We just can't help but marvel at this classic chandelier and lamps of the hotel.

4. Find an OPPORTUNITY to give back and an EFFORT to serve.

What most of us commonly missed is to find an opportunity to give back and be grateful after receiving an act of kindness. This is mostly the start of break down of most relationships because people fail this important part. They just get used to being easy all the time and not even willing to lift a hand and carry a load in your travel. Seeing an effort to initiate to serve is already a big deal to your relationship. It reflects the inner character of this friend whom will be with you in this lifetime. That's why we all should be sensitive and have a heart and a mind of wisdom to see and understand things clearly. Its time to let the other party feel valued and important in this mutual journey folks.


When we reached Marco Polo, it was mostly Jay's turn to do the blow out, but we also we gave a little share but it's really him who did most of the damage. Hahaha. Anyway, these ensaymadas are just tasty and worth it of its price coupled with coffee at 120 pesos each.


The Boys - Yugs, I and Jay at their Lobby

5. In friendship - laughters and crazy moments are always Part

I think one of the fun moments we've had during her quick stay here was at Marina Sea View. @yenguiao went up on the stage and sang song "Grow Old With You" to her boyfriend Jay. It was such a screwed up moments for us since we almost drag @yenguiao up to the stage just to sing a song to jay who will be leaving the next day for a job as a seaman. Everyone of us we're just all hyped up seeing that moment. After it, we decided to take a photo of all us with this background at this stunning Marina Sea View.



The girls enjoying each other in front of this camera.



@belindabering and Yayen wreck havoc at the lobby after being full from the ensaymada.

Indeed, celebrating each moments with your friends are truly special. Not only did it give you fun but moments that are indeed truly memorable. It made you say that even if whatever situations in life I'll be in, I'll lie in security knowing I have a friend that I can always count on. Value your friends and your group because they are a precious gift to you that you cannot afford to loose.


Shalom everyone and be blessed. 😇😇😇

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