Help a friend when they are climbing the ladder to success.
Do the little you can to contribute your own quota to ensure they get their dreams achieved. It musn't be financial assistance but you can show support by advertising and patronizing their businesses. You can also suggest ideas that can help them grow in their businesses or whatever course they are pursuing.

Listen! if your friend has organized a show and he/she is selling tickets, if you have the funds, be the first to buy the ticket, you could buy extra to share to others as a way of encouraging them and even go as far as helping them with the ticket sales. Truth is, all the things you do would be done for you some day, if not by them but through other people who you might not know.

Do not just be a gossip mate who talks about things that do not impact your friend's life but be that friend who has something to offer for every encounter. Be a motivator, show support and see yourself grow as well. Help a friend today!

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