
But I upvoted all meaningful comments on my posts whenever I can. I also go around and upvote posts that I like. I wasn't active previous day or two and you conclude that I never upvote anything. I only didn't upvote comments from bots or some comments that beg upvotes/follows.

I'm also trying to making friends here, but how many friends I can make in 22 days? Believe me or not, but I tried it. Not all people are open for friendship. And how did you expect to be friend with someone by exchanging few comments and upvotes?

See......I gave you a big upvote and you couldn't even find the time to type the words "thank you" in your two paragraph reply.......did your mom not teach you any basic manners? You need to look at yourself on why you have very little success here.

Oh my god! I can't believe how this conversation tiring me. Dude, I was typing my comment and I didn't even notice it. However, thank you. But I rather don't take any money than going in this conversation with you.

Ok have it your way.

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