Spent Some Time With My Otaku Friends from University

in #friends6 years ago

Despite not seeing each other for around five years now, the feeling is still the same. It's as if we were still in the University yesterday. I'm so delighted to spend happy time with them today. We reminisced the times we spent during our review days... those times when we all held on to anime to keep ourselves sane from the pressure of the upcoming board exams. Those times together were really worth-remembering.

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The still-crazy-otaku us took a lot of crazy photos together. Using the smartphone application "SNOW", we all goofed around for hours. Such happiness is indeed priceless. It was like we didn't mature at all. We're all still this crazy bunch of otaku that can spend hours and hours together... than even doing nothing becomes something fun.

Unfortunately, it was only the three of us today because the others had to go to work. However, we promised to meet each other again and hopefully those that weren't able to join today would be able to spend some time with us next time. It's really difficult to match our schedules especially those who are working in the hospital. But still, I'm glad to get in touch and meet my otaku friends from the University.

We actually took a bunch of photos, but only few were the "normal-looking" ones. I'd like to share some of them below.

FACE SWAP is really crazy and funny. We were all laughing so hard when we took this picture.

We all look like aliens with really huge eyes on this one. hahaha xD

I don't understand this but we look like drag queen super saiyans.. hahahaha xD

Those are just some of the many crazy pictures... and below are the only normal-looking ones that we took.

I actually like this one... though it's a bit blurry...

"Normalest" groufie so far... hihihi xD

Time flew really fast... Well, we could've stayed and talked until tonight, but JP (the only guy) had to go to the hospital for some Physical Exam... so it ended earlier. However, no matter how short the time we spent together today, we all have a happy heart and painful cheeks and stomach from all the laughing. TBH, my cheeks still hurt until now. hahahaha xD

You might not see your friends every day, but they're always there. Real friends don't need the assurance of daily conversation and such, because no matter how far you are from each other... no matter how long you've been separated... even though you don't talk everyday... you will always be connected with your real friends. When you see them again after such a long time, you'd realize that it's as if you were never far apart. The bond will always be there... the connection you all have in your heart would always be there. Real friends will always be there.

Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Love lots, @tegoshei


You've got great and funny friends nee-chan. There's nothing to tell, you are always crazy.
And yeah, no matter how far you are from your friends, they will always stay in the top of our hearts. And also, no matter how close you are close from distance and how much you talk daily with your fake friends, they will never be able to win the top of our hearts.

I couldn't agree more, imouto-chan! It's just so overwhelming to spend time with them again... :)




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