Kids !

in #friends6 years ago (edited)

333F7883-BA78-45B0-9E87-A2DE83C4C836.jpegI went to a children’s award ceremony this morning. It’s strange , the best speech came from the least expected speaker. A 9 year old autistic boy. His was truly the most genuine and from the heart speech. He didn’t give the phony be nice to everyone speech. He didn’t follow suit with all the adults that said things like “ always be kind no matter what “, or “be helpful” , etc.

He was honest . Spoke about the difficulty of controlling your temper. How being introduced to rules and regulations is hard. How we sometimes know we shouldn’t do something but we do it anyway , bc he ( like everyone else ) has a hard time controlling impulses, emotions , and reactions. He said he may be the extreme of all the “normal kids “, but he’s not very different .

Meanwhile , the adults were giving bullshit speeches about being kind and fair , which a few I know personally and know they are anythjnh but those things . They were saying things like we need to be understanding. We need to build unconditional friendships. Oh please ! There is no such thing as unconditional friendships. Every friendship comes with conditions. That little boy knew that . That mildly autistic child was the smartest person on that panel.

He Knew that although he made some friends , most don’t stick around. He knew people wanted him to follow their ways. He knew that bc he doesn’t bend or compromise, they don’t stick around.

Well kid , it only gets worse. Because as adults we find ourselves always compromising or losing relationships. The difference is as an adult , your not as kind. As an adult , you don’t necessarily mind cutting ties, or walking away from someone. We let our pride , our pain , our ego , get the best of us. We put ourselves first. We don’t really care if someone is upset at us , or hurt by us. We believe everyone will get over it.

They played a video to the Bruno Mars song count on me. What a false pretense to give these kids . The notion that a friend will always be there for you . That’s not true . Very few people will be there for you, your entire lifetime. We make friends , we lose friends , we make new ones , it’s a cycle. But very few have friends , real friends you can count on and confide in.

What an emotional mess I was? When that song came on tears started coming down my face. Bc I can’t count on anyone. Anyone I have counted on has in one way or another let me down, walked away, wasn’t there when I needed them.

That kid tho . I can’t stop thinking about how he figured out more about life and relationships than most adults.

Goes to show you that a child’s innocence and honesty is so great ! It’s more sincere than any adult!


I found your post bc @newbieresteemday resteemed it. Thank u so much for sharing. Yes like u i love how kids are so honest sometimes too much lol but i would rather get a opinion from a kid then a adult to know the

very good post, very useful. I like this. do not forget vote yes

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"Goes to show you that a child’s innocence and honesty is so great ! It’s more sincere than any adult!"
You couldnt be more spot on!

You are entirely right...the most profound wisdom comes from the mouths of our kids, before it gets 'schooled' out of them! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Hey there! Your post has been featured in this week’s #MinnowMondays post - brought to you by the #newbieresteemday initiative. Feel free to stop by and check the post out HERE

Thank you :)

Glad to see your post featured in @amariespeaks' Minnow Mondays.

I agree this kid knows more about life than adults do. Adults need to be more genuine like him.

I can also relate what you said about friendships ending, losing people then you meet new ones. The cycle of relationship continues. There may be a few who'll stick around but most will just be part or your life and for good reasons.

Thanks :)

Yea, it’s rough when you lose friends and loved ones. You just can’t hold on to someone who no longer wants to be there with and for you.

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