Staying Warm When Power Goes Out With Gas Stove

in #freewriting5 years ago

When the power goes out due to a snow storm.

20190112_083309.jpgSunday Morning

Staying warm is up most on my mind and when my gas heater also uses electric to keep us warm. I am lucky or forseeing by having a gas cooking range in my home. Now it has electric light function yet can be lite with a match. No water either during a power outage due to heavy snow.

Begin by collecting snow in large containers.



Get the match out and light the stove top place pan of snow on top. As the snow melts you will need to continue to add snow. The steam it creates will keep the house warm.


I get many pans full of snow and store them in tbe bath tub, as to not have to go out go often for snow. The snow this time kept us at 70° .

This time, We got our power back on in 6 hours from start time.

We have done up to 8 days before at 80° in the house. During a ice storm I used the ice that time to melt. We kept the house clean and warm from ice heated on the stove top.

Survival comes in many disguises.

15475897026381827656940.jpgTuesday Afternoon

The Snow Melts

Love to all


Gorgeous photos, and wonderful solution, I'm so happy you have a gas stove, and all that snow you can melt!!

Love to hear from you dear. It is great to have a gas stove. Now all the snow is questionable. Althought it is beautiful I am glad it melts away.


Wow! Bet it's humid! I love my wood stove... Besides wish I could get the biolite stove that makes electricity while able to boil water or bake a pizza...

I keep a pot on the stove top all winter to put moisture in the air. Dry air is not my friendly to us.

Yes with no other heat source it can get moist in here.
A bit old fashion I am.


Anything you can do to be warm....

You are very efficient! I've got a 5-gallon container with water in it that I store in the laundry room for those times. And I have a little ceramic space heater that does a decent job of keeping the chill off the house. And an electric blanket that was tucked into the back of the closet felt pretty good, too! That wouldn't have helped you though! My furnace quit two times last week. It seems it was the blower and the furnace repairman finally came and got it figured out and pulled the old blower and put a temporary replacement in until they could get me a new furnace. They installed that on Wednesday and it is so nice not to have to worry about being cold. But that was $3400 that I didn't have to spend!

Wow I have no idea how I would come up with that kind of money. I am glad you were able to get it fixed.


I borrowed it from the bank. I didn't have a choice.

Not sure if I could do that. I always say we will just have to leave for warmer places.


You can come to my house... My furnace has a 10 year warranty!

Thank you for your kindness. Would love to meet you I tbink we may have a great time together in person. Take care dear.


In the old days I would have thought nothing of jumping in the car and driving down to take you for lunch! These days I am pretty house bound, but you are always welcome here! And I'll fix lunch!

Sounds great yet I am tied down in my own way. Would the trip up to you have any mountian roads. I have no trouble with hills and curves but roads with a steep grade I won't do if possible.
Not saying we are on the way up yet just never know.


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