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RE: An Unfortunate Adventure! #freewritemadness: Day Twenty-Eight

Awesome! I wish I had joined Steemit sooner so I could have followed from the beginning. I have to admit you have a good grasp on writing. I'm still learning Steemit, but some of the stories I have read here and there, have a tense problem, jumping back and forth to past and present, and you stayed in the same tense throughout, and isn't overran with adverbs and adjectives, telling me you write a lot.
I liked this part, it gave gave me that vivid image that every reader wants to see.

  • Bitch. Water was all she wanted. She took a sip of the warm, tasteless liquid and almost coughed it back up, barely able to swallow through her gut whorling and writhing as it made its way up her throat akin to a bodily grieving cyclone of despair.

  • Way to go, you are on your way to the top.


    Thanks for your kind words! :D And thanks for reading! This is probably one of the better additions I've written of the story, haha. It was made up each day and as a result has a twisted plot, uncharacterised characters, bits and pieces that don't add up, and a lot of skeletal/unfleshed writing just to force out the words. I expect the whole thing to be a lot different when I eventually revise it.

    I've been training myself to write professionally for about three years now, after writing for personal escapism since I was a kid. Still feel like a complete novice. There's always something to learn. :)

    It took a lonnnnggggg time to learn to stop the adverbs. I'm now at the stage where I feel comfortable with the rare one every so often, but don't need to fling them about everywhere. As for adjectives, I do fall into them quite a bit sometimes... and I've had a couple of non-native English readers yell at me for my adjective use, hehe.

    Thanks again for reading!! And for commenting. I appreciate it so much!
    And it's good to see you still enjoying Steemit. :)

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