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RE: An Unfortunate Adventure! #freewritemadness: Day Twenty-Eight

in #freewritemadness5 years ago

Thanks for your kind words! :D And thanks for reading! This is probably one of the better additions I've written of the story, haha. It was made up each day and as a result has a twisted plot, uncharacterised characters, bits and pieces that don't add up, and a lot of skeletal/unfleshed writing just to force out the words. I expect the whole thing to be a lot different when I eventually revise it.

I've been training myself to write professionally for about three years now, after writing for personal escapism since I was a kid. Still feel like a complete novice. There's always something to learn. :)

It took a lonnnnggggg time to learn to stop the adverbs. I'm now at the stage where I feel comfortable with the rare one every so often, but don't need to fling them about everywhere. As for adjectives, I do fall into them quite a bit sometimes... and I've had a couple of non-native English readers yell at me for my adjective use, hehe.

Thanks again for reading!! And for commenting. I appreciate it so much!
And it's good to see you still enjoying Steemit. :)

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