Full Moon~ The We-All-Write Movie

in #freewritehouse6 years ago (edited)

It's Finally Done! After two months I finally have taken the trial We-All-Write Challenge, that we will be using for the @freewritehouse, and made the promised video of the whole story.

I will tell each and every one of you that as of right now I am very tired of hearing my own voice! If there are any mistakes in the story I take full responsibility for all mistakes. After hearing my own voice, non-stop, for almost 24 hours you too would just say.................It's done! 😁

As a side note: I promise to never promise to make another movie out of a We-All-Write again. If I ever do it will be because I lost my mind or I forgot the last 24 hours of my life.

Either choice could very well happen so take that for the 3:00 AM writing it is. 😂

It was a ton of fun rereading the story and remembering all the fun that was had in the making of the story. How we all kept checking to see if anyone added to it. How excited we were when each part was added.

It made me happy, smile and laugh to finally hear the whole story out loud. When you hear The Spirit Squirrel you will laugh. If you don't.......I'm sorry I can not help you.

Thank you to everyone that participated in making such a fantastic tale! @mariannewest's Freewriters group will be doing more We-All-Write's soon! Please keep on the lookout for the next contest post so you too can play along!

Author's are:
@snook, @simgirl, @killerwhale, @diebitch, @bennettitalia, @mistermercury, @charella, @uc-phoenix, @c0ff33a, @iamceezee, @brisby, @omra-sky, @binkyprod, @abrahamcera, @incomprehensibl3, @annhoyblog, @wonderwop, @hazem91, @deaconlee, @ecoinstant, @eaglespirit

Below is a description of the 'Game' and the rules everyone had to follow. I did have to change one rule when we had two people writing at the same time.

The main concept of the game: Add 'your part' to the ongoing story in the comments.

Once seven days have passed, I will divide the SBD payout of the post between everyone who added to the story. Please allow up to two days for the transfer. ( see this post if you want to see how payment was carried out if you are so inclined)

Last I will make a video of the whole story and post it so we can all hear the whole story. (yeah, see......I should never have said that! 😆)

"What constitutes a part?" Too cool to freewrite, Charles James Matthew Hawthorn-Upintop the IV asks, and then lit his cigar.

Answer: More than a word or one sentence. Something to move the story along should be written. Cliffhangers are excellent endings for your part. Use your best judgment. We are all adults. Kind of. Well, maybe you are. I'm still rebelling. My poor son. 😇

Offical Rules

  1. Read this post.
  2. Read the first part of 'The Story' in this post.
  3. Look through the comments in this post for the heading: The Story~Part 2
  4. Read all parts of the story you find in the comments of this post.
  5. Open a comment box and label it: The Story~Part ? adding the next number in line for the story so we can follow the story in the correct order.
  6. Post a comment with your story comment 'The Story~ part?' so people know someone is working on the next part and to wait before they post theirs.
  7. Click on Edit comment and write your part then hit update so your part now shows.
  8. HAVE FUN.
  9. Be silly, happy, sad, etc, if inclined, when writing your part of 'The Story'. You know, be Free!
  10. HAVE FUN.
  11. There are no extra points for proper grammar or formatting.
  12. Laugh, giggle and last HAVE FUN!
    Now that that is as clear as I can ever be! Let's get on to the fun part!!

If you would like to read along with the video, you will find the story as it was written two months ago below .

Full Moon

Vacation finally over, Joyce slowly sunk down into the planes teeny tiny seat hoping beyond hope that no one else would sit down next to her.

The last day of her trip was the best that anyone could have asked for. The horseback riding on the white sand beaches, parasailing, and the secluded late night dinner, next to the ocean, with a very nice man, was all things a holiday is dreamed of.

When Joyce woke up in the morning to catch her flight her painful screaming from the sunburn she had everywhere could be heard through the whole hotel.

Thank goodness she had packed last night. This morning all she had to do was take a shower, dress and be on her way to the airport. Showering, a must this morning, was more like ten thousand needles pelting their way into her skin.

It was going to be a very long painful day thought Joyce.

Clothes came next, soft ones for the six-hour long plane ride. Joyce really had no idea how she was going to get through her day on this plane, burned to a crisp, not being able to move if someone squeezed in next to her in the middle seat.

Joyce closed her eyes; drifting off to sleep. Memories mixed with fantasies danced through her mind. The pain of the sunburn began to fade as her mind raced down the beach, and back to his deep brown eyes.

He asked if he could write her, but she didn't feel comfortable giving him her address, so she thanked him for the meal, and said good night. He whispered it was lovely to meet her, and she believed every word he told her throughout the night.

Joyce was so infused in the dream, she could hear his voice. The thick Italian accent was music to her ears.

"I would love some orange juice. My wife will have the champagne."

Joyce opened her eyes. Slowly, and painfully she pushed herself up until she could see over her seat. Was she still dreaming? It couldn't be him. She shook her head and gave herself a moment to awaken.

She peeked again. She wasn't dreaming. He was there. On a six-hour flight, in first class, with her... and his wife.

His wife was obviously oblivious. She was giggling and carrying on about something...I wasn't really paying attention. I was half scared and half excited. Women have a way of knowing...things. I know, I am one.

You can see when something has happened so I resolved not to make eye contact with her. I also couldn't fight the urge of my bladder filling up.

Too much coffee before the flight.


Now I'd have to walk by them at least twice.

I waited as long as I could and just as I was about to pass their seats, he stood up, not seeing me, and almost knocked me into the passengers across the aisle from them with his hip. He turned and apologized and his eyes got wide realizing exactly who I was.

I said "thanks" in a sheepish tone as he helped me up and I made my way to the bathroom.

I did my business and just as I was about to exit, it was like perfect timing.

He came in and we locked the door.

The overwhelming passionate rush took control of both our bodies and -

Pilot announced:
Turbulence is expected. The plane swung wildly to the left and I fell on him. It was a moment till we disengaged. This kind looking guy helped me up and asked me if I was fine. He was of average height, brown hair but had a nice smile.The plane swerved right and I fell on him.

All of this would have been super fun had it not been for the damage incurred to my skin during the previous day's indiscretions. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as he grabbed me - with a roughness that would have been just right being it not for the searing pain that the sunburn added, and buried his face in my hair, kissed my neck... The pain subsided and I relaxed a little. My eyes closed involuntarily and a sigh escaped my lips. Then the plane lurched again, and this time I did scream, loud enough to be heard. A knock came to the restroom door and a voice asked: "Are you alright in there?"

Immediately after the urgent knock on the door, the captain announced over the intercom that everyone should take their seats and buckle up. Severe turbulence was expected.

When my Italian romantic opened the door we were greeted by a peeved-looking stewardess. She told us that it was not allowed for two people to be in the restroom together. My romantic said," Ah, madam, we were just in there for but a moment surely you understand?"

"No, I don't understand", she growled. "Now please take your seats or I will have to report you to the captain."

At that very moment the plane lurched violently and in an attempt to keep his balance my romantics arm flew out an struck the stewardess in the face giving her a bloody nose and knocking her to the floor.

She jumped up and slapped Romeo's face and moved to the intercom to call the captain. As fate would have it another lurch hit us and I was violently flung into her as she reached for the intercom button. When I smashed into her body her head hit the cockpit door knocking her out.

Moments later the cockpit door was flung open and there stood the co-pilot with ...

Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes, after three years of trying to get over him, he reappears. Gosh, he's still the most handsome man I've ever met. I don't know how long I stared at him with my heart in my eyes but a higher power finally gave me a voice

"so you did become a pilot" was that squeaky voice mine I internally cringed. He also was able to break out from the intense stir and asked the hostess besides him to help take the fallen angry hero off the floor.

"Joyce, so good to see you" sizing me up with his soulful eyes he continued "you need to go back to your seat and buckle up because the turbulence is about to get worse."

With that statement, he held the open door subtly telling us to leave the restroom. Taking two paces towards him I suddenly remembered my vow......

...with a gun. Joyce froze in shock. An announcement was made soon enough amidst screams of terror from the passengers. The plane had been effectively hijacked by a group of terrorists. All passengers were warned to be quiet and cooperative if they hoped to get out of the plane alive.
Two other gunmen had appeared from nowhere and were tying up the stewardess who was just coming around while the Co-pilot led Joyce to her seat.
Shaken beyond her wits, Joyce allowed herself to be led back to her seat, the pains of the sunburn now the least of her problems.
She probably wouldn't have noticed had the Italian's wife not been giggling and restless a moment ago. She wasn't in her seat.
Joyce wondered where she was in this nightmarish moment when she remembered the Italian hadn't returned with her.
Looking back in search of him, what she saw would shock her even more....

...The Italian was, in fact, an Air Marshal, in a flurry of action that was too quick to take in, he had drawn his P250 Compact pistol in the 357 SIG caliber and commenced zip tying the terrorists who he had instantly realized only had replica weapons presenting no threat compared to his duty gun.

Once he had released the stewardess from her bindings and returned calm to the airplane passengers, the Italian came over to Joyce and sat down beside her. At this point the sunburn had completely vanished from her mind, the unbelievable events of this journey had put Joyce into turmoil with the attraction she felt for the Italian set in her mind against the long past history she had with the co-pilot. Right now there was only thing Joyce really needed, and that was a calming Gin and Tonic.

She whispered to herself 'I could really use a drink right now'
Spontaneously she fell into deep thoughts reminiscing the lovely moments she had with the pilot..how could he have left without any words after promising marriage
Filled with anger and frustration which was written all over her face she lowered her head wishing there was a shoulder to lean on
'Ma'am ma'am' voiced the Italian
She turned
'Are you hurt? He asked'

She shook her head and glanced around. With all of the stewardesses setting about calming the passengers, she knew her needed drink would be a long time coming. With a sigh, Joyce turned to tell the Air Marshal how grateful she was for his rescue when a hand flew over the back of the seat and slapped his head, hard!!

While he gripped his head and groaned, she lept up and spun to meet the furious eyes of his wife! Whoops! She had forgotten about her! Glancing down at the sheepish face of her hero, so had he. His mouth opened but before he could say anything, angry wife let out a stream of Italian that cut through the air. Looking around, Joyce could see the eyes of all of the passengers peeking up over their seats. Some looked angry, a few looked alarmed, but mostly, she could see amusement. Great, just what her day needed. Now she was front and center in a Jerry Springer show...

Covering his head, the pained husband snarled back a reply, which received nothing but silence.

Half expecting her to be holding a gun by the way her day was going, Joyce turned again to the woman. The dark-haired beauty was staring out of the window of the plane, mouth agape, completely transfixed.

Before she could ask what the woman was looking at, a crackling of static filled the air and the cabin was filled with a tremendous...

...white light. The light so thick, Joyce can't see her own hand in front of her face. When the light fades, she notices the wife is gone. Looking around the cabin, she realizes everyone else is gone too! She stands there, trying to rationalize what she's seeing.

The cockpit! The door's still open! Pushing her way through, Joyce freezes. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her...

Shimmering silver and black, it was as though the clouds had entered the space where she stood, or perhaps she was within the clouds. They moved and shaped themselves, as lightning fluctuated within the apparition. The lightning danced and arced towards her, and Joyce could only stand there, as the shape formed the figure of a being.

The being stood tall, clad in a dark cape that looked like the deep black of space. Its face was completely covered. It extended a hand towards Joyce. She hesitated. Then she felt the floor under her buck and jerk and Joyce felt herself falling before the floor restabilized. She looked around, still wondering where everyone had gone.

The being before her waited patiently, arm out, hand inviting her, lightning dancing across its body. I must be dead, Joyce thought, this being has come for me.

The being shook its head, as though reading her thoughts. This gave her hope.

Joyce took the being's hand. Lightning danced upon her, tingling, tickling. Joyce gave a soft giggle. The being nodded, and then with another flash a white light, they had teleported to another location, one of beauty, of amazing smells, with lush green plants around her, yet above her, instead of skies, was the steel of metal and blinking lights of a...ship?

What the hell?! Where am I?

The being stood there behind me. Tall. We teleported somewhere. That's what I know. I'm trying to regain balance; while he's combing his hair. Wavy, dreamy hair. Nice built. With its dark cape dancing with the water. WAIT....WHAT?! We're literally in the water. Submerged. Agh. I can't breathe. Agh.

"It's okay. It's okay", said the being as he reveals his face.
"Air. I need air." Gasping. Panicking. God, don't let me die like this.
"It's okay. You can breathe here."

I can't hold my breath any longer. I'm gasping for air to breathe. Sorry for disobeying my parents. Sorry for everything. Just give me a second chance, Lord. I draw my last breath. That's it. I'm dead.

Where is the light? Where are the saints that should be welcoming me in heaven? Is this heaven? Or hell? Nothing was heaven-like. All I can see is a handsome man. With a perfect hair. He's above me. Talking. Shouting? Is this Jesus? Or God? He's got very nice teeth. Are those jawlines real? His eyes are sparkling bright. It was.......

"Everything's fine, miss." It was the being who saved me from an airplane incident.
"I'm not dead?"
"You're not. You are in my kingdom. Well, soon-to-be kingdom. I'm Evan, by the way. King Evan, if you may."
"I'm Joyce. And what am I doing here?"
"Well, this kingdom isn't going to be mine until I find my own queen. So.........."

This is insane. This is just a dream, I hope. I wanna pinch myself to wake myself up. Heck! My sunburn's gone.

This can't be happening. I am.. underwater? And what even is this being before me. This goes beyond anything I have ever been taught. I take a deep breath but it's weird, being underwater.
"You must understand this is all very sudden and confusing. How did we even teleport here? Who are you? Why choose me?" She was slowly developing a headache.
"All in due time, my queen. First, a cup of our finest alcoholic beverage"
Well... she did say she needed a drink.

She raised the glass to her lips and guzzled the cocktail, which tasted like sambuca mixed with oranges. It calmed her nerves, and she let out a sigh. Evan gazed expectantly into her eyes, and she saw the clearest blue eyes that mirrored the ocean in the sunlight.

Tiny bubbles escaped from his mouth as his blond hair floated upwards to the sky.

"I have waited such a long time for you Joyce", Evan said, "and look at my beautiful prize."

Joyce felt like all her fears, both conscious and unconscious had disappeared. As if the beverage had given her an energy cleanse, and she had crystal clear intuition.

"The passengers and crew on the aircraft are our people." She said.

"Yes," said Evan, "and the terrorists are from Zantan, the land of the polar ice caps."

"We have been at war with The Zantans for twenty years, but you, my love, helped us defeat them today. The stewardess was one of them."

"That stewardess was a bitch, I'm glad she's dead," said Joyce.
Evan rejoiced, "Let us all go to my Kingdom and begin our festivities, we have to prepare for a wedding."
Joyce thought "your Kingdom, a wedding, kids?" What am I doing?

“Where did all this start? wasn't I ... No no no wait no! I don't want to remember!”
She just realized that all this is a dream and once she remembers where she was when she fell asleep, she will wake up. When she was embarrassed and just wanted to be somewhere else, the clouds happened. When she wanted an explanation, no matter how strange would it be, the being happened.. but wait. The last thing she wants now is to remember.

"YES! let's do that. Let's get married and have kids" She yelled, thinking this will keep the dream going while she figures out how to make the best out of this situation.
All she has to do now is to test her theory. She closed her eyes and had a deep thought to decide what she wants "chocolate!.. or... a diamond!.. ok chocolate and a diamond" then she opened her eyes to find Evan on his knees offering her a ring with a big shiny diamond. She gave him her hand and her heart almost jumped out of her chest while he was putting the ring on her finger. Then the ceremony started and everything felt magic but there was one thing missing. She knows now what exactly she will wish for next "Her mom". So many times after her mom's death she wished she could see her one more time but this time she can play with this reality and make anything happen.

What she was waiting for happened in a very exaggerated way. Four men came in holding a giant bowl full of little pieces of chocolate. They distributed a small part of it was to everyone and gave all the rest to her and her king. She didn't even touch the chocolate. She just closed her eyes and said "Mom!"

Mom...where did you come from? Joyce honey you have to wake up or the plane is going to crash. Joyce...Joyce...Lady, lady wake up, someone was slapping the back of my hand. Huh...wa .What happened? You hyperventilated and passed out said the man in front of her. He had a kind gentle face and he was smiling at her, I’m a doctor and everything is going to be fine, he said. Looking past him she saw her Italian still arguing with his wife. Then a drop of green goo landed on her forehead. Looking up she saw green droplets forming at the bottom of the storage bin above her, then there was a darting movement to her left, looking toward the motion she saw, a purple squirrel sitting on the back of a headrest looking at her. Hurry said the squirrel, you don’t have much time!

'Much time for what?' Joyce asked the squirrel. She looked around, no one else seemed to be paying this squirrel any attention. Could it be that only she could see a purple squirrel on an airplane?

'I am your spirit squirrel,' it continued, 'Tasked with keeping you up to date with happenings in the fantastical realm, the realm of creativity and innovation, fantasy and myth. You have been experiencing fantasmagoria, a condition, you may have noticed, that can cause you to jump back and forth between different possible realities in a moderately coherent way.'


'I can prove it', said the squirrel, 'Notice the number of times that you have gone back and forth between first and third person on this plane flight alone! Was your ex-lover pilot a terrorist or just jealous of the married Italian? This whole episode is ripe with Fantasmagoria! And now there is not much time!

'Not much time for wha....???' Joyce blurted out, losing patience, as the distinct lines of the inner cabin began to swirl, Joyce began to wonder just what the heck was in all that coffee she drank before the flight.

Joyce realized she must have been drugged and started drinking water but the spirit squirrel would not go away, screaming “snap out of it … you do not have much time!” She had to go to the bathroom again but was hesitant just in case the squirrel was right. She asked the squirrel, “What do you want me to do?”

The squirrel told her to go to the bathroom and quickly. Since she had to go anyway, she followed the squirrel jumped on top of seats and heads to race her there. As she reached the bathroom the squirrel told her, “Evan is waiting for you.”

She stopped in her tracks and asked, “how do you know about Evan?” The squirrel said I have known you most of your life, I am your guide and teacher. Choose, which life you want to live. Do you want to stay on this plane and die or find happiness with Evan?

Seconds felt like minutes, and time seemed to stop. Everything was in slow motion, and the squirrel told her the teleporter would be closing and she had to choose quickly.

Chills ran up and down her spine as she opened the bathroom door and walked inside. She was immediately teleported to the underwater sea world from her dreams. Evan was waiting for her and kissed her hand, she looked down and saw the lovely diamond on her hand.

One thing was certain, she felt more happiness with this being called Evan than either the co-pilot or the married Italian man. All her insecurities and fears were completely gone. She belonged to Evan.

She looked into Evan's eyes once again and could not keep her eyes off of him, he took her in his arms and their first kiss was one of eternity. She could barely think anymore in the hands of this amazing creature.

Besides, Queen Joyce of the underwater world had a nice ring to it, Joyce thought as Evan picked her up to carry her to the bedchamber.

~The End

I hope you enjoyed listening to the story along with the video. Once again, Thank you to everyone that was a part of the 'We-All-Write' test run. Thank you also for all the fun memories I relived today. Time really does fly!


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I finally got to watch and listen to this all the way through, ha ha ha, what a story lol! I had read it at least three times but it still sounded new when hearing it for the first time, good job @snook, this is a freewrite classic 😉

awwwwwwww Thank You!!!!!!!! :D I'm so happy you finally got to hear it!

This I enjoyed very much! I love that the poor stewardess got smacked in the face twice and she was part of some alien race attempting to take over the plane.

How the magical squirrel got into the picture I’ll never know.

I laughed more than a few times. The voice over by @snook was fabulous. The music was awesome. Sorry, the video, in my humble opinion didn’t belong. I shut my eyes and listened.

Wonderful work.


Thank you!! I do agree with the movie......why most of it is just landscapes but if you watch the whole thing it , kind of, ties all in at the end........kind of LOLLL

What a beautiful story! @snook, your reading was fantastic and my congratulations to all who wrote their pieces! It flows wonderfully! I had an awesome time reading and listening! Great video too! I love the purple squirrel spirit. Well done, everyone. Resteemed.

Thanks @wandrnrose7 <3 I know it's long but it's nice to know people are watching and listening to it so it's not forgotten!

I'm so proud of this.

And you did more than great, better than perfect lol reading it ;)

(IMO)The best combination is to watch the video on your phone and read along from your laptop to enjoy this experience with every detail of it :)

And you did more than great, better than perfect lol reading it ;)

I woke up to see your comment first and YOU made my morning! By the end of making this I honestly had no idea how it would sound to someone else LOLL

I had to listen to it too many times to be objective about it any more. So Thank YOU!

I LOVE that you found a way to watch it and read along :D YOU made me very happy today @hazem91 and I Thank YOU for that too!

Hehe I guess that's my second super power. My first is being super h7mble in case you were wondering 😅

so very h7mble LOLLL :D

Whooooooaaaaahhhhhh!!! Hahahhaa that was awesome.....when is the next script writing hahahaha

Follow the @freewritehouse and keep checking there. That will be where the next one is done :D and happy you are still here and saw this!!!

I had forgotten all about this story, it did come out really good in the end though. Quite amazing how everyone made it work so well. I have not had time to watch your video yet, but will do tonight.


Part of me wishes I could have forgotten about it lol

yes, this story will always have a special place in my heart for many reasons. I'm so happy you were a part of it!!!!!!!

The video is not going anywhere so when you have time, it will be there waiting for you to watch it.

Hope your day was filled with smiles!

Okay NOT those kind of smiles LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Yay. This is even better with you reading it! I read along with it, so I will have to come back and watch the video! I loved the squirrel voice. Such a good story!!!! Every writer did wonderful. Let me know when ya'll do another one!

Thank you and I will!! I'm so happy that you got to hear it!! :D

Well done everyone and especially you sis. Had to have taken a good day or two to complete!🤗😘

Thank You, Little Brother for your support of this project from the beginning! hugs 😍

and for this one time, I will say that yes! it was a ton of work! I'm happy I finally did it but it was touch and go there for a bit on if it was going to get done. Your timing is also correct and I still see things I would have liked to fix but sometimes you just have to let it go free..........as it is....... and realize you have done all you can. Not an easy lesson for me but a good lesson to learn!

Snook!! This is amazing!!! Mighty Carl has quite an influence on you :)

Really well done!!! Your voice is just great!!!
I forgot how many people had participated... So cool!!!

He is a very hard taskmaster to have to work under........... I'm starting to wonder why so many like him :D LOLLLLLLLLL

Thank you! it was definitely a project that was done with love and respect for you! If not for how I feel about you and a promise I made........yeah, this video would never have been finished .

Aww - Now I wished a had a big graphics like you to express how much my heart is touched!!! Love you!!!

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