Weekend Freewrite - 4/25/2020

in #freewritehouse4 years ago

@mariannewest in #Freewriters

She said nothing and the two men continued speaking
“He is a 40-year-old, right-handed, Caucasian male who doesn’t work and lives of the SSI program due to his psychiatric problems. He was born in California, USA, and speaks English fluently but has a speech impediment,” Nurse Tailor read the patient report aloud. His head was bent down so that Dr. Stalk could see only his bolding forehead, bushy eyebrows, eyelids, and a long curved down nose. “The patient has difficulties pronouncing the letter “R” and, while speaking, it sounds “W” as “wabbit” instead of “rabbit.” Nurse Tailor coughed, cleared his throat and wanted to continue, but Dr. Stalk interviewed

“Who is his resident psychologist?”

For a second Nurse Tailor tore his face from the report and directed his concave eyes at the doctor.

“Dr. Schwartz.”

“How often Dr. Schwartz conducts these evaluations?”


Dr. Stalk nodded “Go on.”

“The patient’s current diagnosis is a maniacal psychosis and megalomania, however, he doesn’t display a profound understanding of his condition, nor did he agreed with the said diagnosis.”
Dr. Stalk looked at Agnese, who still stood silently and listened while the male nurse continued

“The experiences a perpetual delusion that he is a millionaire and is adamant about him being in possession of a mansion and a yacht. He also claims that he is an expert hunter and becomes especially agitated between July 1 and until Jan 26, the time of the rabbit hunting season in California.”

“You are one of his regular nurses?” Dr. Stark turned toward Agnese this time, “tell me more about him?”

“He dresses kind of peculiar,” Agnese’s face tightened as it always did when she spoke of her business duties. “He is always dressed in dark brown hunting attire with a red collar and a half-brown half-red hunting hat. Holds several pairs of these types of clothes in his closet and we have to wash them. He also always drags a toy gun with him. His face mimics and the reaction to certain questions is kind of exaggerated.”

“Tell me more about his responses?”

“Well, his answers are always short, but he’s inattentive and often has no correlation with the question, unclear. And he’s a kinda eccentric person, removed or something. He also has and weird kind of humor.”

“What do you mean by weird?”

“Well, he often jumps up, gets all excited and agitated, grabs his toy gun, and wants to go to the forest cuz he needed to hunt rabbits. That’s what he says. And then, he has this laugh hahaha. Sounds a bit dumb and ominous if you ask me.”

“What is his common narrative? What is he thinking about?”

“Well doctor, his primary thought content seemed to revolve around a particular rabbit whom he called “that swawny wabbit.” He’s trying to say “scrawny” but comes out funny. According to him, that rabbit is the reason for his constant irritation. He states that this rabbit is a bad and evil creature, a menace to the society and it needs to be immediately exterminated.”

“Any other interests?”

“Well, he speaks of hunting, shooting, and riding a yacht. He spoke fondly of that and repetitively, and he thinks he’s a great sportsman.”

“And when are those episodes of excitements are usually manifest themselves?”

“Usually after his midday nap, after lunch. He calls this nap ‘food-induced coma’. Only he doesn’t think it is figurative.” Agnese smiled.

“Did you ask him why is he so antagonistic toward animals?

“Yes, we did. When asked, he’s like puzzled like something inside is turning, but slow, you know. And then after he says that he’s very fond of animals, especially rabbits and ducks cuz they taste so good.

“Yeah,” Dr. Stalk said, drumming his fingers on the table.

“He’s doesn’t seem to be life-threatening, but…, hm. I think we should keep him here a bit more., before sending him home.”

Ten beds skirted the edge of the room, and in the center was a nurse’s desk. Each of the men had his own story to tell.

“Agnese,” the little man in the brown hunting attire said, “when will they finally bring my launch? I want to fall into my food-induced coma.”

“Soon, Mr. Fudd, soon,” Agnese padded the man on the shoulder.

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