Winner Announcement of the Literary Talent Award February 2019steemCreated with Sketch.


It's been a fantastic month ...

Several writers left their link to their publications to be considered by the judges of this contest. We already have the first winners !!!!! Altogether some 40 Steem / Sbi will be distributed in prizes.

Ha sido un mes fantástico...

Varios escritores dejaron su enlace a sus publicaciones para ser considerados por los jueces de este concurso. Ya tenemos los primeros ganadores!!!!! En conjunto se repartirán unos 40 Steem/Sbi en premios.

We are very grateful for the sponsorship of @c-cubed/ @c-squared and @guiltyparties. Thanks to your contribution we are building a great community of talented writers who bring quality to our platform.

Agradecemos mucho el patrocinio de @c-cubed/ @c-squared and @guiltyparties. Gracias a su aporte estamos contruyendo una gran comunidad de escritores talentosos que aportan calidad as nuestra plataforma.



1st Place@Saulos@fininfun12 Steem or SBI
2nd Place@amart29@blueeyes8960 &@kaelci6 SBI
Honorable Mention@oscarina@carolkean2 SBI

@saulos and @fitinfun, please let us know if you prefer Steem or SBI for your prize.

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How do I participate in this project?

If you are a writer of narrative or poetry just add the tag #freewritehouse to your publication, it is not necessary to be your first tag. Then look for the most recent post published in @freewritehouse regarding the award and add your link in the comments. Your writing must be less than one month old.

The evaluating jury will review all the writings and poems with that tag and once a month will choose a winner or winners.

¿Cómo participo en este proyecto?

Si eres escritor de narrativa o poesía solo debes agregar el tag #freewritehouse a tu publicación, no es necesario que sea tu primer tag. Luego busca el post más reciente publicado en @freewritehouse referente al premio y agrega tu enlace en los comentarios. Tu escrito debe tener menos de un mes de antigüedad.

El jurado evaluador revisará todos los escritos y poemas con ese tag y una vez al mes elegirá a un ganador o ganadores.

How much Steem will each winner receive?

During the month the Freewritehouse will prepare a bounty well and motivate sponsors to participate by donating Steem. Finally, a significant percentage of that prize pool will be shared among the winners. It is expected to offer the winners at least 20 Steem or SBI in prizes (we want this amount to be higher according to the contribution of the sponsors).

¿Cuánto Steem recibirá cada ganador?.

Durante el mes la casa Freewritehouse preparará un pozo de recompensas y motivará a patrocinadores para que participen donando Steem. Finalmente, un importante porcentaje de ese pozo de recompensas se repartirá entre los ganadores. Se espera poder ofrecer a los galardonados al menos 20 Steem o SBI en premios (deseamos que este monto sea mayor según el aporte de los patrocinadores).

Any basis or requirement for a story or poem to be selected?

Of course, the most important is that you use the #freewritehouse tag. Your text can be in Spanish or English. Must have an extension of at least 150 words.

If you wrote your writing for another literary contest, there is no problem! We hope you get some additional reward for it. Use the #freewritehouse tag and leave the link of the post in the presentation post of @freewritehouse and you will also be participating in this project.

But ... What if my publication has already expired or if I even won a prize? Can I participate anyway? Yes, yes, yes, yes ... It's the extraordinary thing about this initiative. We not only conscientiously evaluate each article, but also each author and his talent. For that reason we accept writings up to one month old.

¿Alguna base o requisito para que un cuento o poema sea seleccionado?

Desde luego, el más importante es que uses el tag #freewritehouse. Tu texto puede estar en español o inglés. Debe tener una extensión de al menos 150 palabras.

Si tu escrito lo elaboraste para otro concurso literario, ¡no hay problema alguno! Esperamos que obtengas alguna recompensa adicional por ello. Usa el tag #freewritehouse y deja el enlace del post en la publicación de presentación de @freewritehouse y también estarás participando en este proyecto.

Pero… ¿Qué tal si ya expiró mi publicación o si incluso gané algún premio? ¿Puedo participar de todas formas? Si, si, si, si… Es lo extraordinario de esta iniciativa. No solo evaluamos concienzudamente cada artículo, sino también a cada autor y su talento. Por esa razón aceptamos escritos de hasta un mes de antigüedad.

Spread the word by reestem this publication ...

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You are free to mention @freewritehouse in your publications. You can also follow these accounts to get updates on the project: @mariannewest and @latino.romano

Continue to be yourself, use the #freewritehouse tag and you could be the winner of the Freewritehouse Literary Talent Award.

Corre la voz haciendo reestem de esta publicación…

Eres libre de mencionar a @freewritehouse en tus publicaciones. También puedes seguir estas cuentas para obtener actualizaciones sobre el proyecto: @mariannewest y @latino.romano

Sigue siendo tú mismo, usa el tag #freewritehouse y podrías ser el ganador del Premio al Talento Literario de Freewritehouse.


Thank you so much for the 2nd place co-winner award! You and freewritehouse do so much to encourage the steem writing community! Congrats to my co-winner @kaelci, and to all the other winners and contestants!

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You are welcome. The two of you did a wonderful job!!


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Gracias @freewritehouse, es un gran orgullo para mi que hayan seleccionado mi trabajo.

Thanks @freewritehouse, it is a great pride for me that you have selected my work.

You are welcome!

Holy cow! Thank you so much. I am thrilled and shocked to see this with all the talent we have here.

I will very gratefully take the steem.

You seriously just made my day. I did not even know if I should enter, but I sure will again this month!

done. Forgot to do a screenshot - but you will see it in your wallet shortly.

What a boost! You do not know how much I needed this today {{{Hugs}}}

hugs right back to you!

Congratulations to all the winners :)
Wow!! @fitinfun... good job :D

thank you! We were lucky to have such great sponsors!! You should enter in this months award - going up in just a couple of hours.

Thank you!! I'm honored!

You know that you are a wonderful writer. Keep entering. Next post going up in a bit.

Thank you so much, @mariannewest!

Thank you so much 😊🎉🎈🎊

I had no idea i was even entered in this, so this was a nice surprise!

Congratulations everyone!!! 😁😀

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those are the best surprises :)

@kaelci, I thought you had entered our story!

Surprises all round!!! 😀

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Interesting. @freewritehouse is more active as I thought it is. Sounds like a lotof work for the judges.

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Yes, we are pretty active at the Freewrite House and it is a lot of work. Luckily, the judges are volunteers who are a bit independent from the freewrite community and we are very grateful to have them.
Do enter again. The next post is going up in just a bit.

Me siento realmente emosionado por este reconocimiento, mas ahora que estoy inundado de trabajo y material para estudiar por lo que he tenido muy poco tiempo para escribir, realmente me impulsa a esforzarme, reciban un caluroso saludo y felicidades a todos los ganadores.

I feel really excited about this recognition, but now that I am flooded with work and material to study for what I have had very little time to write, it really impels me to strive, receive a warm greeting and congratulations to all the winners.


so happy that you did participate and am hoping you will enter again.

Those two freewrites came out one right after the other last week and I thought of this contest for both. I think they are related and I do not really know where they came from but I like them.

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