Eternity! a We-Write

Dear friends

Now I participate in the WeWrite challenge, here we must complete a story given by the proposed prompt. This week @owasco offers us the first part of the story "The Sandwich", from there I wrote the following "Eternity". I hope you enjoy reading.

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This Week's Prompt

The Sandwich
by @owasco

"Ugh! The bread is soaking wet! Bread is not supposed to be soaking wet!" he snarled at me as he spit a soggy mouthful of half-chewed peanut butter sandwich into a tissue. I stood at attention next to his bed. He handed the sodden and heavy tissue to me.

He was now vegan, grain free, nightshade free, lectin free, phytic acid free, and deaf to my feeble protestations. He was not free, however, from his acutely tuned palate, which was maddeningly different from mine.

He had requested a peanut butter sandwich. I knew meeting all his new diet criteria would be a bitch, but I rose to the challenge. I had to.

I chose a very small ten dollar loaf of 'bread' and bought it. I bought some raw peanuts. I shelled the peanuts. I soaked, sprouted, and dehydrated the peanuts. After very lightly roasting them, I ground those peanuts into peanut butter. I then very carefully smeared the freshly ground peanut butter onto the somewhat normal looking bread. I made sure to get the peanut butter to the edges just like I had learned in home economics class long, long ago.

I knew how to make a proper tea sandwich.

I now spent my life trying to make this man happy. I signed up for that didn't I? Wasn’t that my reason for being? To make this man happy?

Well, he was not happy with that sandwich.

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Extending the story:
@felixgarciap´s ending

His bad appearance due to his long illness implies a lot of sacrifice, so helping him now is a challenge.

Michael in the first twenty years of his marriage was a hardworking man, with his corpulent body stood out in his work, he was always given the most unlikely tasks to solve.

Now bedridden, without strength, the only thing that shows his character is his strong voice and his poor disposition.

I remembered the time in which we toured Europe, I laughed when the memories took me to the moment that that man slipped on the barge in Venezia falling to the lake, all scared and the gondolier was quick to rescue him.

They were moments in which happiness did not give space to sadness.

Already now at the end of his days, just living off the retirement and the charity of the neighbors, I could only appreciate having those memories of past glories.

Not even the friends remembered him, many already dead, now he on the list of those who had secured his next trip to the cemetery.

That morning, however, a glimmer of lucidity had crossed his mind, that man asked me for the presence of a priest.

This would be the next task I would have to do that morning.

He only had to confess his sorrows before God before leaving for eternity.

The end

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I invite this challenge to my friends @sacra97, @marybellrg, @amart29 and @hlezama.

Waiting for your upvotes , comments and resteem.


Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!





Dear @felixgarciap
I'm sorry I didn't upvote this. Just read it now. I'll go to another one of your posts and give the vote there.

This is a story of love and acceptance. Not surprising from you. Instead of dealing with this from a position of anger, you bring understanding. It is a challenge to rise to the needs of the sick. And it is a challenge to be sick, to resist the psychological toll illness takes on us.

A very thoughtful story.
Thank you.

Thank you very much @agmoore, certainly suffering from a terminal illness entails a family member's responsibility and acceptance of the patient. Receive my affections. Felix

What she said!
I thought I'd read all the entries, but turns out I hadn't seen this one until now.
This: Not even the friends remembered him, many already dead, now he on the list of those who had secured his next trip to the cemetery. And one last thing to do for him: summon the priest, then get ready to bury this husband. And to remember him in his better days - their better days. Good to know he wasn't always so hard on her. Lovely ending to the we-write, and poignant. :)

Ah! Compassion for the bedridden man! She shares that with you. I did see her as a compassionate soul with limitless giving capacity, but tried to write the story so it could go a number of ways.
This is great. Thank you so much for your entry.

Hopefully the other edges of the story. Cheers.

Ah, you came to the situation from another end. I remember a while ago seeing a French movie about a couple who first were in love and then got divorced. Then it was a second part. I thought it was a continuation. But it was the same story told from the point of view of a woman. And it was a completely different story. )))

It cost me a little to write the story since I am a man, but seeing the situation many couples arrive at the end of their marriage a bit "boring", this week I attended a Workshop in the church in which the priest talked about the couples who still being married they are "divorced", they just stay together by custom. By the way this week's challenge has been very interesting. Hopefully more people are encouraged to give other twists to the story. Receive my affections.

Here is a pastor discusses the family issues and does it in a very funny way

Thank you very much friend! This is what I like about steemit, it allows me to meet people as funny as you.

My pleasure! Likewise, I am very pleased to meet many nice, intelligent and witty people like you are.

Sad! That's life, especially when it comes to a boring end and all that remains is a kind of rage contained by mistreatment. Sometimes, hope for change and resignation, for some.
Good job, @felixgarciap, you made a good sequel to this moving story of @owasco!
I hope to join you soon.

Nice twist to the story. You were kind and showing compassion.

A very humanitarian response; he was crabby for a reason and that was his poor health. She saw him reach out at the end though, as he made things right with his maker. A great interpretation and imaginative approach. Awesome!

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