Red scarf stalking? Day 6 of 200 Day Freewrite Party

in #freewritecontest6 years ago (edited)


This is part six of the freewrite series I’m writing for the 200 Day Freewrite Party.


Swinging in the breeze was a bright red scarf. It was wrapped around a branch on the maple tree near the fence. It wasn’t there when George arrived. That meant someone put it out there in the last few minutes. I opened the patio door, looked around, then walked over to the tree. It stood just 20 feet from my house.

I easily pulled the scarf from the limb and recognized it immediately. It was a scarf identical to the one Remosa used to lure Charles into the grove in Red Scarlet Night, my second book in the series.

What the hell was going on? I rushed upstairs to my closet to see if this was my scarf - the one that inspired the story - or another one. Hanging on the hook in the back was my scarf. Looking at them next to each other I could see the small color and texture differences.

Relieved, I sat on the bed to think things through. Two items, that were from my first two novels, appear the day I finish my new novel. George insisted he hadn’t told anyone, but he must have let it slip somewhere right?

Was someone trying to tell me I should have been writing about Remosa instead? Maybe some rabid fan hacked my online storage account and read the manuscript. But how could they get this close to me?

The door. I realized I forgot to close the patio door.


It was with great sadness I realized I had already packed the red scarf I planned to use for the selfie. But I stuck to the prompt rather than choose another because it fit into my story. So my daughter used her talents to create the scene we could use in the selfie. Isn’t she great?

She asked me to put in a disclaimer though. I rushed her so I could make the deadline and she says she could do much better. Plus I’ll add that while her dominant hand is fine, it’s hard to draw when the other hand is unusable and in pain. Also she had it triple hard trying to draw when you add that she’s in the middle of a moving zone in a room the size of a large bathroom.

Still, I think her drawing is wonderful!


The drawing is lovely and I'm sorry your daughter is in pain! What happened? Congratulations on the books and what a lovely selflie!

Hi @wandrnrose7. My daughter tore some ligaments in her wrist. I’ve passed on your compliments about the picture. She says thank you!

I’m working from mobile which has been really hard to do. More than I expected but I forgot to add that this is part six in a series. So the author in the story isn’t me but my yet-to-be-named lead character. I’m going to edit it to make sure that’s clear.

I use just mobile, too! It's a real challenge to steem this way! Tell her she's very welcome.

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