Weekend Freewrite: 1-19-2019- Single Prompt Option: happy

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Weekend Freewrite initiated by @mariannewest- 1/19/2019- Single Prompt Option: happy



Some of you know that I haven't been well for the past several months and it is not easy to be happy when I feel so crappy. But that recently changed with one phone call.

Yes, I have a flip phone.


My daughter was on the phone. Her voice was bubbly and I could hear her smile, which made me smile. When my kids are happy, I am happy.

Butterflies make me smile too.


My daughter gave me some wonderful news. She is pregnant with her second child! YAY!


My daughter and her husband have a precious little girl and my granddaughter will be three years old next week. They want three kids, however, it seemed like their daughter would be an only child for reasons that I will not get in to here, because I want this post to be full of nothing but happiness. But they were determined and didn't give up.


In case you are still wondering why everything in this post is pink...


My grand-puppy was first on the scene. Charlie and my granddaughter have been inseparable since the day she was born.

"I am an old dog now but her hugs and kisses never get old."


WooHoo!!! ❤ Congratulations 💕 @whatisnew!!! Wonderful news!!!

Thanks bunches @shasta! I am soooooo happy for them and I can't wait until June 8th! : ) : ) : )


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Thanks so much @wakeupkitty! I am going to be a Grandma again! YAY! : )

I hope it will brighten up all of your lives and the pregnancy will be without much worries.

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Thank you! It is a high risk pregnancy and she will need a c-section, but we are all hoping for the best. : )

I keep my fingers crossed for her and you

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Thank you! We will need that!

That's fantastic news. I know you all went through some hard times recently so many congratulations.

Thanks so much partner! HUGS! I was hoping you would read this because you do know about our hard times. And that is why she didn't even tell me until she was past her 4 month mark. It is a high risk pregnancy and she will need a c-section but I have a feeling she will get through this just fine.

I'm really delighted for you. I'm sure you'll be a double granny soon enough;)

What a great news!!!

Thanks so much @djynn! : )

Congratulations! 🤗🤗🤗 This is awesome post for MakeMeSmile challenge!

Thank you for freewriting with us! Here's the prompt:- Day 457: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: puppy love.

Thanks again! With love and hugs.


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Thanks so much! And thanks for the new prompt.
Would you please send me a link to the MakeMeSmile Challenge so I will have it for the future? Thanks! : )

Every Wednesday the new MakeMeSmile challenge will be up. Every Tuesday will be result time. (All the time stated is Malaysian time). Will send you the new announcement link tomorrow. 😉

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Flip phones still rock! (They fit snugly in pockets, don't cost that much to replace and have that satisfying feel when you snap them closed.)


What a wonderful surprise! I'm so happy for you and your daughter (and her fam). Wishing her a safe and easy pregnancy (free from even morning sickness) and a complication free c-section! 💜💜

congrats pink.gif

Love the pic of your sweet granddaughter with Charlie! 😍

Thanks so much! I am still smiling! May daughter went to get another sonogram last Wednesday for measurements and the baby is growing just fine. My granddaughter went for the first time and was waving Hi at the screen and kept saying, "Hi baby!" in her sweet little girly voice. My daughter has gained a lot of weight already and the doc said that her sugar was high. She is giving my daughter 7 weeks to try to bring down her sugar level herself by a diet of no sugar and no carbs. Her morning sickness is finally gone so that is a good thing. I love the "It's a girl" balloons...thanks for sending them. HUGS! I have so many pics of my granddaughter with Charlie because they look so sweet together.

OMG! I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who likes flip phones. I ma so antiquated. LOL!

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