
Thank you very much :) Hope you have been doing better in ridding those darned headaches. :)

The headaches are under control with botox. I get my third set of injections tomorrow morning. I've had a tough summer dealing with sciatica pain due to a hip impingement and am midway through 6 weeks of physical therapy. This is getting better finally but has set me back. I hope you are doing well. Hugs.

Oh my, if it is not one thing we must endure, it's another. I hope the shot helps. No amount of pain is good. Sending you healing hugs.
Except for headaches from all the smoke (fires all around) I am good. The smoke is finally all clearing up, but had some again today. Fire season won't be over till Oct, for us.

Hugs! I hope the fires stop, they are terrible for you all!

Thank you. :) We are supposed to have rain for a few days, starting tmrw. I can't wait for the air to be cleaned.

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