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RE: Over 20 Club - Late night free thoughts on my freewriting adventure

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

I have read each and every one of these oh, I only caught one during the perfect time to vote. But I can only say that it has been my loss! You are such a gifted writer and you speak to my heart with the words that you write. I can only say that if your mind has been sleeping then where is mine???
You say it so well here:

My brain changed the more I kept writing with you, like a dormant minstrel awakening from a long sleep.

I have no doubt that you will need write a book one day, and I will hope and pray that I can get my hands on a signed copy to say I knew you once! Enjoy your trip, we will miss you!


I'm missing you too honestly, I am realiseing how precious is all the fun and joy of being together.. karate is fine but I'm having a real hard time with all this mania for perfection and I can't wait for posting, commenting and meeting you all again. Thank you for your words, you left me speechless .. as a very small token of gratitude, I sent you a steembasicincome share. See you soon Janelle 😉

@f3nix I'm so proud of your focus on your Martial Arts!

I am sure that it is no easy thing to accomplish, I dated somebody once who was tattooed on his hand for his mastery of Kuntao. I know what kind of dedication and concentration this type of art requires.

Comfort yourself knowing that this type of discipline will seep into your writings, most assuredly.

Please try to enjoy the time that you are there with other people who share this skill and know that we are all here waiting for you to return. Thank you very much for the steembasedincome share, that was so very kind of you! Your presence here, and you're writing, are all that I need to enrich my life, but your gift of kindness has touched my heart by its intention.

As we speak, I am preparing to leave for Arizona on 2/22 and Las Vegas. I have already thought that I'm going to miss everybody very much while I'm gone. I'm sure I will pop in and take a look but I will not be able to write or comment much in this whirl wind 6 days that I will be gone. I'm so excited to be able to go and view a part of the world that I have not yet been able to see, I've always wanted to see Arizona and the Grand Canyon. I hope to be able to bring something back of value to each of you in my writing, too. hugs! you are amazing and sweet! I return on 2/27.

I wonder where you are now, recharging yourself and feeding your free spirit with the astonishing embrace of the wild nature of Arizona. I'm sure it will be for you like crystal spring water for the plant of your creativeness and your amazing multifaceted interior world. I watched kuntao, it's really interesting and I feel that it shares the fluid movements of Wado Ryu Karate Do. I met the soke/grandmaster of our art, one thing that I like is knowing the human beyond the role and he's a great person..probably I'll follow him in japan if possible. This absence and experience made me reflect also about the freewrite community and possibly I appreciated it even more. I truly missed you. I wish to meet you soon, enjoy the freedom of your trip and I'm eager to read it in your freewrites :-)

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