Spirit or Witch hunter?

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

December 27, 2019

As I woke up I watched two films. A good way to start the day.

  • The guardian brothers. This is an animation you can watch on Netflix. Yes, it is for children but that is the world I live in plus one of mine is an animator. We are in the modern world where people no longer believe in the spirits who protect them. The people do fine and the spirits are bored and forbidden to give humans a hand. They are ordered to remove the portals (posters) into the human world. A single mother takes over the soup shop of her mother who was the last one believing in the spirits. A nasty neighbor does his best to close down the soup shop and in the meanwhile, one spirit is on his way to set free the dragon that once made humans and spirits work together. The concept of the story is clear. If humans stop believing guardians disappear. A little girl helps the spirits and the world is saved again. I liked the way the animation is made, there is humor in it and I think it is a good film to watch for people like me and children (better as the never-ending recycled films of Disney).
  • The last witch hunter. What can I say? It was not the best film I ever saw and filled with cliches. If you like that you can watch it. The last witch hunter is immortal from the moment on he killed the Witch Queen. Of course, the Witch Queen is not pretty but the good news is neither is the hunter. The film starts in the medieval time with the hunt and next we are 800 years later in a plane. The hunter gets help from a witch (dream walker) from the moment he tries to save his friend from a curse... (If you saw Buffy the Vampire Slayer you got the idea.) Of course, the human wins since it is a better species and we see the friend arise from the death and clouds of smoke coming out of the cathedral. It is not the kind of film I will watch twice, to me it was disappointing. I expected some surprises, something new.

@detlev explains about staking BEER

OK, it seems I need to write some more background info about this.

Short: Whenever you have some BEER staked - you get each day some extra BEER into your wallet - BUT you have to claim the REWARD to get it to you liquid BEER

Does anyone know if this challenge still runs?
It is good for inspiration for sure.
It was started by @kalemandra.
Friday-sky blue
Saturday- I forgot the color name, it's a shade of blue :)


I had my monthly shopping day today. Actually, it was not all about shopping. It is thé day in the month I take all the money I need from my account and divide it over the saving boxes I made for the things I need to pay or safe for.

A small list:

  1. pocket money for all of us including the wolves. Pocket money is private and can be saved or used to buy candies or underwear or dog needs for (including the vet).
  2. Electricity bill.
  3. Internet
  4. gas station(once a month should be my max. If I cannot make it I have to use the money from our food).
  5. School fee (2x)
  6. Class fee (2x)
  7. Month fee bus
  8. Insurances
  9. Taxes
  10. Annually test + repairs of the car
  11. Washing machine
  12. LLawnmower/ water pump
  13. Dog food
  14. Gas (cooking)
  15. Medication
  16. Glasses
  17. In case of emergency
  18. Birthday/December 5th
  19. Traveling money
  20. Food on the table (Believe me, there is more, everything except .)

With a small budget you need to be prepared of...

Well, as much as possible plus I try to save money this way.

It looked as if more people tried to save money.

The streets were empty and the parking lots were and there were hardly people around.

Again it was the Spar supermarket who had more empty as filled shelves. No milk, no diaries at all, no vegetables, meat, bones. They had some water and toilet paper. At least something I needed.

I only bought 12 liters of petrol. It's enough for now. The petrol in town is 10 cents/liter more expensive as in the next village. I will go over there soon. We still need to buy the new monthly bus card for the bus - kid too.

Back home we ate a bit and I wiped some floors and made a fire. It was 3 pm and getting cold inside. A good moment to wash the laundry. It dries way faster with the woodstove burning. My pain increased and I took a four times higher dose of meds extra. 😭😭😭😭

Time flew. Iflewlate replying and haven't read much or commented.

If you like you can freewrite. See @mariannewest for the daily prompt.

My diary days...

I wrote over one hundred by now #forthechildren. The year is nearly over. Time for something new?

Diary Day #1 - Sept. 13, 2019
A day full of surprises

Diary Day #15 - Sept. 27, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

Diary Day #43 - October 24, 2019
Editing on

Diary Day #57 - November 8, 2019
NaNoWriMo goes on.

Diary Day #64 - November 15, 2019
Lack of writing = writer's dip

Diary Day #78 - #WednesdayQuickie
Poverty (En) / Armut (En)

Diary Day #85 - December 7, 2019
An ordinary dizzy day.

Diary Day #99 - December 22, 2019
So it is nearly Christmas huh?

Diary Day #102 - December 25, 2019
This was Christmas.

Diary Day #103 - December 26, 2019
[My Entry to Contest - "What does TODAY (Dec. 26, 2019) Mean to ME? - 2.29" - Animation KLAUS 👍😁]

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Thank you for being a great member. We gave you an upvote. A happy New Year @team-ccc.

Thank you for the upvote. I appreciate it. 💕

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You're pretty amazing and I try to budget responsibly, too. The needs are endless and wants fewer as I age. I try hard not to waste and eat up leftovers as much as possible. We started getting a box of misfit veggies once a month for a cheap price. Today I made stuffed peppers but one of the boxes hello peppers was already bad so Jeff got that and I ate meatballs with rice and some snow peas before they went bad. I find the wolves interesting copy. How many do you have?

@wandrnrose7 You are doing great too. You can write down your achievements and join. Just write 2 or 3 things down that's enough. It's hard to keep budgetary but it feels great too if you managed again.

I have 5 wolves and that is it. If they die I will not have another.

Hapoy day. 💕

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