#freewriting - Something precious

in #freewrite5 years ago

HERE you can read what did happen earlier.

She was in bed, thought about what had happened.
There was nothing more to arrange before leaving. She did post some letters, her BFF would have her dividend and keys.
As long as she could remember she had her backpack packed, ready for leaving. She had had a tough childhood in a small society, a hard relationship with a way older man and the only thing she did since was hiding.
She was grateful she met her friend who gave her the cakes. This would be the last time, her last trip, no way back. Finally she was able to be who she was, to be where she wanted to be and with whom she liked to be. Nature was calling.

She never told anyone about the beast.
Her friend was the only one she told about it after her last trip. She knew he always had been there, watching her, perhaps even watching over her? There was no reason to be afraid of it.

She had heard them for years, the old tales.
They said it could come in different shapes. She always saw the same horned one. A giant, dark with sometimes a bit read in the face. He never attacked her.
Each year a precious, personal gift should be given to it to honour it and be save. They always had done so in the small village where she had lived.

"How come there is not 1 single thing precious to me", she asked herself.
She looked around her bedroom. She did not own much, did not have children or a pet. It was just her.

"Only the beast is precious to me and it was time to find out if it feels the same about me", she said out loud.

"Lilith", a voice called and knocked at her door.
She ignored it, took the small bag and started eating the cakes while she was lying on her bed.

This is my entry at the #daily-5-minute-freewrite with the prompt dividend. If you like to freewrite too have a look at @mariannewest and the @freewritehouse.

Posted using Partiko Android


Good to know, will ask to send some cakes over to you. Thanks for sending todays prompt

Posted using Partiko Android

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