#freewriting - A worried warrior

in #freewrite6 years ago

If you like to know what did happen earlier you can read About a boxer and lizard first.

"To help you get better, more coordinated, I have a plan for you." The voice was like nails on a chalkboard to his ears and all he wanted was to find a way out of there.
"Did you hear what that voice just said too", the little warrior asked in fear, "what does it mean? What plan? This is for sure not the voice I did hear before. We need to get out of here. Look the vase is changing. Do you feel the change of atmosphere too? It is getting cold in here."
Right after the little warrior and the little monkey did jump into the vase they heard footsteps and voices. They tried not to move. Standing close to eachother they were trying to figure out what to do next.
"I don't know what you just did hear, but I can tell you, you were right about that boxer and the lizard. Both are copies, well at least copies of a boxer and a lizard. Did I hear it right? Were they talking about wearing suits? What does that mean? Let's have a closer look, we came so far so let us bring this to an end now too", the monkey whispered.

""Hundreds of gulls hovered inches above my head, making their shrill repetitive cries. I thought they would attack me, just like in that movie Birds, but I did survive it", she thought as she saw the vase change its shape right after the monkey and warrior ran straight into it. "This will not scare me away." Automatically she grabbed her camera and made picture after picture. She knew there was no way she could follow them and decided to wait and see what would happen next. What if this was the last time she saw them?

The warrior was not really in the mood to show himself. The voice in his head did hurt his ears and he did wonder what it really wanted him to do. Why did it want to help him get better? Was he still sick? Even more as he thought? And what did "more coordinated" mean? He did not feel like a chaotic person at all. Just a lack of memory and he was sure the monkey would help him. He did shiver for a moment and decided to do as the monkey said. It looked as if there was no way back, so time to find out who was playing with his mind.

"Hi little one, are you lost", she said. A weird looking "dog" showed up next to her and right after she did greet it, it her in her leg.
She tried to get rid of it and as she bent forward it tried to grab her camera. It was the only thing she owned and she was not willing to give up on it that easily. A voice screamed at her to let go of it, since she was not part of the plan.
She screamed as she heard a snap and her arm broke. Furiously she kicked at the dog and fought for her camera.
"It is mine", she screamed and kicked the "dog" so hard it flew through the air. As it landed some feet away from her, on its back, she noticed its struggle to get back on its feet. "Just like a sheep at its back", she thought. As it finally was able to turn at its feet and walked out of her into the direction of the "vase" she noticed the strange way it did walk, while she made more pictures.

This is my entry at the #weekend-freewrite. For the full weekend freewrite see @mariannewest and @freewritehouse.

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Hi @wakeupkitty

I hope you don't mind my little off-topic comment.

Most of all I wanted to thank you for being part of my little quest. Engagement we managed to create within our community was quite impressive. I hope some of those new friendships and connections will last longer.

I finally had a chance to check how many people completed my previous small quests and again reality exceeded my expectations.

I counted already 20 people who joined our little venture. I LOVE IT!

But I've small problem here. Again I didn't anticipate such a support and I don't have enough of SP at the moment to delegate some extra to everyone. Would it be okey if instead of delegating extra 20SP I would extend time of current delegation for another one month? Until end of March 2019?

Let me know if it would be okey.

ps. Im also planning to purchase more STEEM after new year. So if in the future you will struggle with low RC limit then give me a shout and I will see what I can do at that particular moment to help you :)


Hi Piotr,
I do read all your comments (no, I do not go in pajamas to church even do not go to church any longer.
It is way too cold now wearing nothing and during summer it saves against the biting flies and mosquitoes. There are great, even Christmas pajamas on the market).

It does not matter if you give me the 20 SP or not. I am able to post and reply (just read my comments are frequently there twice :( perhaps the app or my connection is causing that?). So see the 20 SP as my Christmas gift to you.
I liked joining and hope the new friendships and contacts will last long too.
Happy and merry days with love for you and your wife and family.

Posted using Partiko Android

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