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RE: Freewrite Supporter of the Week - 3

in #freewrite6 years ago

Special thanks to @freewritehouse and @marriannewest for holding this spot.

Thanks to @whatisnew - @scribblingramma - @elizacheng - - @iamjadeline - @wonderwop - @kaerpediem for the love and support of me and my work (and anyone else that comment after this comment).

Tristan is the name I gave myself.

I wish I could say that I have earned all that I have within the three months that I've been back on steemit. No, that is not the case. I was one of the supper lucky that found steemit when the whales were upvoting like crazy us little minnows. I didn't know how lucky and fortunate I was at the time.

I left because I thought this platform was a scam and I was going to make nothing from it. Boy was I wrong. I'm kicking myself in the ass for being so short-sighted.

It has been a struggle to earn the little I have made off of my post since being back. This has been very frustrating for me. However, I have taken to the 5-minute freewrites like a fish takes to water. All of it has been a new journey for me. Thanks to the community for making this journey possible.

Really? The only one to do both the single and weekend freewrite? Shocking. But, hey, I really like these. Setting a timer and writing has helped greatly in getting stories out of my head and onto paper. Without the added pressure, I tend to get way to deep inside of my head and then I can't write a single word because it all sounds "stupid" to me. - One of the things I like about the freewrite is it can be the worst thing I think I have written and then I'll get positive comments on that post, which helps to change my perspective on what I wrote.

This is the first time in my life that I have written so many fiction stories. I am developing more confidence. Thanks to you all.

I have had fun being in this community. I am sorry I don't speak or comment to you as much as I probably should (I have a disorganized attachment strategy), but you do get my upvote/support from time to time.

peace and love,


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