
How is it not easily solved? The Dutch, for example, manage it pretty effectively with innovative social policies. Here in Dublin a couple of years ago a homeless organisation took over an empty office block and housed all of the street sleepers for months, all paid for by donations from businesses and ordinary people, until the state prosecuted them and the courts evicted them. I believe with the will, there is always a way.

I think homelessness has more to do with what sort of environments they were brought up in. If their childhoods were traumatic, which fits most homeless people, how can they be expected to end up anywhere else but the streets? That and education. We have a very corrupt educational system.

There is supposed to be something happening here in L.A. for the homeless. The politicians got a bunch of money at least. What are they doing with it?

I think most people want to throw money at the problem instead actually working to fix the problem. Fixing the problem means facing their own shadow. How many people do that? Very few.

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