
I’m with you there! Misanthropes of the world unite, and
to quote Mark Twain “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.”
It’s your friendly free write encourager here with the prompt for today:

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Funny quote and thanks.

Socializing is hard, and I'm not good in large places with many people. I prefer one or two people that I know and trust well. I understand the social anxiety and I empathize. Yes, alcohol can loosen us up a bit, but you're right you can't be drunk all the time. I hope that you can find a happier place in your world. We appreciate you sharing your true thoughts and feelings here with us. Have a great night.

Wow, if this post is about you, then I applaud you for opening up about yourself and the challenges you face. I used to enjoy being around lots of people, but the older I get, the more I prefer one or two at a time. It's easier to focus on a conversation that way. I've never been drunk, so I don't know what kind of a drunk I am. I've always said I can make a big enough fool out of myself when sober, so why bother getting drunk? I hope you have a cat or a dog to keep you company. They are excellent companions.

Yes, it is about me. Thanks for your reply. I have no animals at this time. I've vaguely thought about getting one but I'd like to have a home first.

I am working with a person who is an EQ (Emotional Intelligence) councilor. She is helping me work through this trauma stuff. I tend to freak out at times. I have difficulty feeling the emotions and letting them pass.

I wish you well on your journey to better mental health!

I don't know how to change this

They know enough who know how to learn. Henry Adams

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