Five-Minute FreeWrite - Prompt: Running in place

in #freewrite6 years ago


Prompt: Running in place
Five minutes

It was confusing for her.

It felt unreal, all the things that she was going through felt like a dream, a hazy, terrifying dream.

A nightmare that wasn’t one.

She wanted to run away, but she was trapped, trapped in a cage of her own making. She had tried to escape, but it was useless. The one time she did, they caught her immediately.

Even thoughts of running were discouraged regularly through charming words with threats hidden underneath.

She felt as if she was running in place, with her thoughts scattered, with her feelings in disarray.

Should she give up now? She wondered to herself, walking softly through the halls of a home that wasn’t a home.

Give up, give up.

Voices seemed to whisper to her, coming from every corner she turned in to.

Give up, give up. There’s no escape.

The voices were tempting her into submission, tempting her into docility.

She kept walking, silently moving from place to place, wandering without a destination in mind.

Without a warning, she suddenly stopped and stared through a window, looking at a dilapidated shed that sat at the edge of the outdoor gardens.

Weeds were sprouting around it, it was weather-worn and ugly, but still…

For some reason, she felt a tiny ray of hope. Small but firm, it crept into her heart.

Turning around she retraced her steps, her mind clear, vowing to herself to never let them cage herself, even if it were only her thoughts that were free, she’d never let them tie her down.

The picture belongs to me. But the art doesn't.

I choose a tree for the picture because I couldn't be bothered to find anything else. Joke.

The tree, I think, is usually a plant that grows in what way it wants to. The girl in the freewrite is trapped, her growth hindered, not just by her captors but also by her thoughts. By deciding for herself that she's free, even if she isn't, she can grow even in her cage.

Dut, dut, dut.

First freewrite after a really long time, it was fun, though also was pressuring...╮(╯∀╰)╭

I'm off゚。(・∀・)゚


So glad that you wrote with us again!!! And sometimes, out mind is more in a cage than our body ever can be.

Thank you! :)

And freedom she will have it soon.

Check out the next prompt! It is 'Freedom'

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Thanks for the prompt!

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