The Trojan Chicken [freewrite challenge]

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Today's freewrite challenge daily prompt from @mariannewest is an image:

Prompt @marinaart.jpeg

The Trojan Chicken

The way in had been impossible to suss. Moat, stone walls, spiked turrets. How could the army of fowl penetrate this fox compound? That's when genius struck: they would send in the Trojan Chicken.

What fox could resist the juicy leg quarters of a 100-foot chicken on wheels? Steaming broth was summoned from all the chef hens within a two mile radius. Never mind that they were cooking some of their own. Even chickens can appreciate the warm comfort of a well-seasoned stock of duck fat.

A group of young pullets climbed inside and they rolled the Trojan Chicken up to the castle gate. Then they ran away.

An hour later the large gate cracked open, and a fox snout peeked out. They pulled the Trojan Chicken inside the castle keep and the gate slammed shut. The birds waited.

And waited. Turns out, foxes will eat hens whether in the hen house or their own.


Hens in the fox house... but why do foxes get a castle and hens get only chicken wire and plywood?

That's a great question. I'm sure it has something to do with fox governance and housing subsidies.

that is what I wanted to know too!!

We both had the same interpretation to an extent. Good twist.

send in the Trojan Chicken.

started cracking up here :D and love what you did with this :D


You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Great Story! Almost reminds of the flying chicken from chicken run, but that was escapting Ms Tweedy Chicken Pies not a fox!

Amusing little let's see what you can do with today's!

When I first saw the picture - that is what I thought of as well - Trojan chicken lol

This is really great. 🙂

Had the fowl hired mercenary hounds to hunker down inside that Trojan Chicken, perhaps the tides would have turned against the foxes …

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