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RE: Failed Freewrite Attempt - Crazy

in #freewrite7 years ago

you did really well

as for writing and not editing thats also something i could never do, my brain runs faster than my fingers can keep up with so I am always having to go back and fix what actually it typed to what I wanted typed

Back in my Army days when I used to fix teletype machines amongst other communications equipment a few of us did a tying test just to see how fast we were and I think my actuall typing speed was somewhere around 77, but to achieve the accuracy they wanted I had to slow down so my typing speed while meeting the accuracy goal was about 68 WPM if i remember correctly

but that was a long time ago and I am a lot slower now


Wow that's awesome even years back though. I actually thought my speed was a bit slower but when I tried it out last night I found out I was that fast. I was in the 90's but due to a few words for accuracy it got adjusted to 87 which still isn't bad. Yes I agree I am one of those people too where my brain runs faster, I try to get my fingers to catch up but sometimes it doesn't haha.

yes I am the same my fingers never catch up LOL

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