Blog #15 - 10 minute Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

10 Min Collab Freewrite.png

Hi Steemit,

Today I collaborated with @metzli for the Day 100 Freewrite challenge by @mariannewest. Today’s challenge was to pick one partner and create a story in the span of 10 minutes. @metzli and I decided to take turns writing for one minute each. She took the first minute, and I was able to round the story off.

Thank you for letting me join your community of freewriters. Here is the Story.

It was Saturday morning. EARLY Saturday morning and those damned gardeners were already at it.

Their neighbors pretentious garden was getting tended to, early in the morning, once again.

Didn’t the noise bother them? It was barely light out. The sun had come out maybe 20 minutes ago.

She remembered that of course the noise didn’t bother them. They had those new fancy windows. Or maybe they were on vacation… again.

It was hard not to be annoyed by her neighbors. They were both ALWAYS home from work, unless they were not home, that meant they were out walking their what seemed like 30 dogs.

Now that Sofia was awake there was no going back to sleep so she rolled out of bed and tucked the edges of her comforter into her.

Just because she was awake, didn’t mean she had to get up. Her mom said “get out of bed” not get out of your blankets. She pretended not to hear the kids downstairs already pouring themselves a bowl of cereal.

“Don’t spill, don’t spill.” She thought to herself as she got her laptop ready for a days worth of binge-watching. She lifted her head up and but the blankets under her head to form a dome around her. She logged into her computer and then heard the most dreaded Saturday Morning noise of all.

The noise was worse than the gardeners, worse than the 30 dogs, worse than the annoying kid talking about yet another whatever she was bragging about.

She heard… her mom.

“Sofia! Come take out the trash!”

“Mom I woke up 20 minutes ago!”

“I don’t care, take out the trash before I take away that brain of yours.”

“Brain of yours?” The mother thought to herself? Goodness, she got sillier every day. Why didn’t that kid of hers just do her chores?

Not only did she have to wake up to that wretched noise of the gardeners. She had to smell yesterdays trash first thing on her Saturday Morning.

“I'm not taking out the dumb trash, come here and make me!” Yelled Sofia from upstairs.

“How about instead of taking away that brain of yours I change the Wifi Password again?” The mom responded.

It was a typical Saturday Morning


That's how I remember Saturday mornings, minus being a girl, and having neighbors with gardeners and 30 dogs. 😉

hahaha - poor teenager. i am sure she thought her mom was very mean LOL

And then ... It is like a page from a book and you want to turn and see what happens next. It was really a typical Saturday Morning.

Good job!

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