Day 6 of Free Write: Ducks Prompt

in #freewrite7 years ago

I'm really starting to fall in love with this challenge more and more every day. The prompt from a few days ago for "green droplets" was such a simple word but gave me such great memories. The word ducks did something similar for me today actually.

When I was a child I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. My parents were busy with work a lot of the time so I was practically raised by my grandparents instead. One of the most memorable moments for me was the walks that I would go on with my grandfather. Almost every day, no matter how hot or cold it was, that man would go on a walk and always yell my name to have me come along with. I always looked forward to these walks EVERYDAY. This tradition is one of my favorite memories of spending with that wonderful man.

Now on days where the weather was really nice, well nice enough to sit outside for a time, we would stop at this pond on our walking route. There was this same small bench that we would sit at every time and we would watch the ducks in the pond. We wouldn't really say much but we would sit for at least twenty minutes and just enjoy the peace and watch the ducks. On some days he would insist that we bring bread along with so that we could feed the ducks. He knew that I loved when they got closer so he let me usually do the bread throwing when I was a kid. This is really the only memory I have that involves ducks but it is for sure a great one.

My grandfather past away last year and even though he was pretty old and it was expected to happen, it didn't make the pain any less. The man is a legend to me and continues to inspire me every day even when not around. Remembering these times with him never fail to put a smile on my face.

That is all for my freewrite, if you need information on the challenge and want to get involved then follow the link below!


I'm so sorry for your loss. What beautiful memories you have together <3

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