Day 14 of Free Write: Corn Prompt

in #freewrite7 years ago

Can't believe I've been blessed with such an amazing caption today. I really won't bother to look into the statistics but I'll have you all know that I'm from the great state of Illinois where corn is KING. Its tough to say how connected to corn I am though so I don't want to give you all the wrong idea. I live in the Chicago area of Illinois where there is absolutely no corn. The thing is, once you drive out of Chicago and even out of the suburbs, that is basically the only thing there is in Illinois! Well it is the only thing really between Chicago and St. Louis save for a few of the University towns and Springfield.

I don't want to come off and offend anyone here but I have always been an urban dweller so I'm so naive to anything that isn't the city. My friends and I used to always just makes jokes about the good old corn fields of Illinois that we rarely saw. The only time we really saw them was when we were driving to another state and had to drive through the "country" part of Illinois. That brings me to the point that Illinois is NOT a very fun place to be driving through. I think we are one of the most flat states in the USA and it really is just flat lands and corn fields as you drive. The main exciting factor of this state, in my opinion, is when you work your way by where I live in Chicago :). Even then I guess you still have to appreciate all the cornfields we have that produce for the world!

I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about corn so feel free to check the link below to begin participating in these :)

Also if you are already in the challenge and visiting my free write, thank you. I have done a pretty bad job of checking on everyone's articles each day save a few and I am going to get better at that :)


HA! I live in Wisconsin!! Illinois and Indiana are the WORST states to drive through loll flat and corn and nothing other.
Now Chicago traffic is a Blast! LOLL Blinker and move, blinker and move, blinker and move, and never hesitate! and all at 90 MPH :D

Great freewrite!!

Chicago highways are great when it isn't complete gridlock in rushhour! Otherwise, yup, 90mph!

I love corn.. It's one of my favorite foods.. Unfortunately most of it in the US is GMO. :| So.. I try to avoid it but it's in so many things.. So.. I dunno. It is what it is.. I try to go organic when possible.

Yeah you're right, it is basically all GMO here. I do enjoy organic food but I'm not completely against eating GMOs for me personally. Respect anyone that does though.

LOL, I just wrote about corn fields as a wonderful thing from a wonderful vacation:)
Nice writing!

I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks!

I live in Europe and from my perspective is really interesting to know about the differences between the States, very well written :-)

Yesterday a group of ancient bananafish appeared to me in a dream. They gave me a mission: to mariannewestize myself and take the freewrites' gospel to the world!

Single prompt option

3 prompt option

Thanks for taking charge for her for the day!

my pleasure as I can know you better ;-)

Great article! :)

I am sure it is boring to drive through after a while, but kind of like a meditation :) My daughter in law grew up in Chicago. I hear there is a lot of great food to be had.