The Taste Of Chicken: 5 Minute Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago


Spend a week in the woods, they said.

It will be fun, they said.

You need to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, finally put on those hiking boots I bought you, yadda yadda.

All of this sounded great in conversation, perhaps, but now that she was separated from the rest of the group, all of those promising conversations were cause to kick rocks and smack tree trunks with her brand-new walking stick.

She was a self-described city girl, and she knew it, and she didn’t want to have to change it. Everyone said she was on her phone too much, on the computer too much, and that she should get out and see Nature. (It always sounded like it was capitalized when they said it).

Well, she was experiencing Nature, alright. She had no cell phone reception on this trail, and hadn’t though that she would have needed anything else. Who knew there were still places in America where there was no cell phone reception?

She was going to die out here, wasn’t she?

She fruitlessly composed a tweet, then snapped her phone shut. No, she was a strong, independent woman--Buzzfeed had told her so! She was going to get out of this situation, and she was going to do it like the people she saw on television.

The park rangers heard a scream in the distance. It sounded close enough to the visitor center.

PHEW! 5 minutes is so much faster than I anticipated. I didn't get to the punchline I was aiming for (she tries eating bugs...which taste like chicken??) Haha, what a fun challenge. I look forward to doing the next one!

Image from:

Thanks @mariannewest. I used to write stories all the time in college--it's fun to flex those muscles again. My husband said I should try this out. I'm glad I listened. :)

If you haven't heard the rules to this challenge, check out the intro post here:


You did great!! :D this was a really great story! I was sad to see it end!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate your comment. Maybe I'll mark where the 5 minutes ended next time and finish the thought. :)

I'm with @snook on this one also, you should have just marked it where the timer went off and finished it lol. I don't do anything with a time limit unless I don't have any choice! I was really enjoying the story. 👍

Haha, thanks so much-it's encouraging. I kinda liked the time limit--it made me focus.

This was great!!! and most everyone else doesn't stop at 5 minutes if they have a flow going and have the time. You can always break rules lol. Glad you joined!!
today's prompt:

Haha, noted! I will probably break a rule sometime, but having the time constraint really helped me focus (as I'm sure you understand.) It's been a few years since I wrote stories ...I kind of missed it! I already sent you the link to today's prompt. :)

Punchline or not, it was a really good little story. You have the capability to do more with it if you want to.

Thanks! I used to write all the time and kind of took a few years break after getting married/having kids! I'm looking forward to writing little bits here and there again.

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