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RE: Day 159: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: Think

in #freewrite6 years ago

I know everything about having no idea what to write about. It happens to all of us. Don’t force yourself, because it will make it a chore. If you can’t think of something, then don’t post and put efforts in commenting.
We’ve all gone through this: when you arrive to SteemIt, you have high hopes. They promised you that you could earn by blogging. There was no one to tell you the truth: earning money on Steemit takes hard work, dedication and patience. That’s why focusing on building a network is so important. Make friends, and they will look out for your posts. Don’t forget your competing with thousands of other new people. But from what I’ve read so far, you are great with words. You’re a good writer. My gut feeling tells me you will do good on SteemIt.

The first couple of weeks can be a struggle. But you’ve taken your first steps towards creating your network. Don’t give up. SteemIt needs people that create quality content.
And we’re here to support you.

Personally, my big turnaround was when I realized that the big value of SteemIt was not in its financial rewards, but in the community. The social interaction and the genuine support have become more valuable to me than money could ever be. These months on Steemit have not only made me a better writer, but also helped me to grow as a person and deal with my personal struggles.

I haven’t been here so long that I don’t remember how it all looks from here you’re standing. I can relate to how you’re feeling. But from your writings, I can sense you are strong, you are a fighter. Fight your way through those first weeks, we’ll be the supporting cheerleaders, right @lynncoyle1?!

Soon, you’ll find your way around here, and I promise you, you will be glad you didn’t quit. I’m prepared to offer you my full support, whenever you need it. Because I can see you have what it takes to do good here in SteemIt.
Try to forget about the financial rewards for a while, and focus on the community.
We’ve got your back... ;0)


Best response ever @simplymike ;) Listen up @mirrors, because she know what's she's talkin' about!

Personally, my big turnaround was when I realized that the big value of SteemIt was not in its financial rewards, but in the community.

Mine too!!! It's so hard to understand in the very beginning, because we are told @mirrors, that you can post blogs and make money, so we all come into steemit with the focus on me. Once you turn that around, it really is a truly beautiful place to be, and you can't even begin to compare it to other social media platforms like facebook for example.

Please trust two people here who have got your back! :)

You are terrific @simplymike -simply terrific. I am glad, and very fortunate to make your acquaintance. Thanks for the kind words, the encouragement and support.

That value is in the community is as true as its gets. You and the @lynncoyle1's have more than just say, demonstrated that to me.

There was no one to tell you the truth: earning money on Steemit takes hard work, dedication and patience. That’s why focusing on building a network is so important. Make friends, and they will look out for your posts.

No truer words than these, that events following from my meeting you, have vindicated, and to which i can now testify.

I am grateful. Very.

I’m very grateful you crossed my path too. I’m really eager to see more of you. But hey, no pressure! It is taking each of us to find our way around here, small steps at a time ;0)

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