Day 52- 5 Minute Freewrite: Prompt- Taste of Chicken

in #freewrite7 years ago

Can't believe it is the 52nd day of the 5 minute freewrite. It is soon going to celebrate its 100 days. Feeling really happy thinking about that. Today's prompt is taste of chicken. Let's dive right into it.


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I have been a chicken eater for quite a long time. I remember I did not like mutton or beef much when I was a little kid and couldn't eat veggies alone today so any meal with just chicken or chicken mixed with veggies was something I could eat peacefully. Then, I did enjoy the taste of chicken quite a lot and meal times at my home were quite peaceful when my siblings and I used to see some chicken based meal on the table haha.

However, things have changed now and I am not as much of a fan of the taste of chicken as I was when I was younger. Don't know if it's the taste of the broiler chicken or my likes have changed, but I prefer eating veggies, beef and fish more now. A few days back I had biryani which is one of the traditional Pakistani dishes (a rice and meat based dish) and I couldn't enjoy it much because of the weird taste of chicken. I do like boneless chicken in spaghetti or pizza but not just the one with bone in gravies, curries and rice.

I was a little distracted today maybe because I had just about 3.5 hours of sleep today. Worked quite late and slept around 4am in the morning. Woke up at 7:20 to prepare my son's lunch and him for school. Thinking of taking a nap but have some other cleaning related chores to get done today. Hopefully, I'll sleep around 10pm tonight and get more sleep.

Love and light,




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My wife complains about chicken with the bone in. I dunno what's wrong with it, I love it! :D

I never found it weird but recently, I have found its taste a little yucky. Idk why.

Momma always told us to eat what was on the table or go hungry, so I reckon I can eat just about anything that is edible and learn to enjoy it. There are things that I like better than others, but we eat a lot of chicken around here. 😃

I am so happy to see that your mom nurtured good eating habits in you and that you aren't a fussy eater like my son. Turns out if I tell him to go hungry, he is more than willing to do exactly that so it is just me ending up more worried.

LOL, now that is rebellion and stubbornness! If I didn't like something my Dad always made me eat just one bite. The next time Mother prepared that meal he would have me take two bites. In no time my body would have developed a taste for that food and I would, over time, actually start craving it! I believe that it is extremely important for our health and well being to eat as large a supply of different types of food as possible. Each different food type has certain minerals and nutrients that our bodies need, and the way these things are presented in the various plants, fruits, nuts, and even meats is different. Our body may be able to absorb one presentation faster and easier than another, and it is natural for the body to cast off any excess.

Wow, you were quite a nice kid and probably the dream kid who does not protest much when it comes to eating a variety of food. My son just runs away if I ask him to take one bite if he is not in the mood to eat something. The problem with him isn't that he doesn't like different foods. He eats a variety of stuff and does not fuss on what to eat. His problem is that he does not feel like eating much at all and it is seldom that he eats properly.

Sleep, my darling, sleep!! so much more important than a clean house!!! I don't function at all without enough sleep....

Aaahh yes, today I'll try my best to sleep early.

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