What Can We Offer Today So The Future Can Profit? (5 Minute Freewrite Challenge - Profit)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Today I decided to talk about another matter that touched the roots of my heart. Last night I watched a documentary about Ann Frank and the eight people who hid from the Gestapo (Nazi German Police) between 1942 and 1944. I had learned about Ann Frank from when I was in school, but never paid any attention to her. My head was in other places at the time. It wasn't until years later did I read her diary, and last night I watched a documentary, and that feeling associated with the tightening of the chest as tears swelled in my eyes overcame me. I was ashamed of the monstrosity humans can bring upon the inhabitants of the Earth. Shamed of the evil we humans can create on the world.

Ann Frank was just one of the millions of women, children, and men who were tortured and murdered during the holocaust. There is no one document containing the exact number of Jews who had died. Nazi Germany nearing the end of the World War 2 destroyed as much evidence as they could. According to experts the number is roughly 6 million people were tortured and forced to less than barbaric conditions all because of a belief.

On the 4th of August in 1944 an anonymous call was made to the Gestapo, and Ann and her family and the four other members in hiding were arrested. Sent away on trains to concentration camps, and from their they were split from one another. Only Ann and her sister Margot Frank were left together. They endured hell, trying to cling to life as best as they could. A life they had been so thoroughly robbed out of. Starving, thirsty, wearing lice infected clothing they caught Typhus, and it took a toll of their bodies, and somewhere between late February or early March of 1945 Margot Frank died from Typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and just a week or two later Ann Frank sucked in her last breath and as air exited from her lungs she passed from the realm of the living to the dead, unaware she was about to change the world through a dairy called Kitty.

Her father Otto Frank was the only member of the eight to survive the concentration camps. His wife
Edith Frank died from starvation. No one should die from starvation. Otto published his daughters diary, and the rest is history. Through her dairy we are able to glimpse the Holocaust era, but more importantly we can glimpse the beautiful mind of Ann Frank. I can imagine her staring out the attic window in the secret annex and dream of a day she would be free. Even the midst of hell and brimstone she had hope.

Ann Frank was a gifted writer, and in dairy she had stated:
I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me. I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear; my courage is reborn. But, and that is the great question, will I ever be able to write anything great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?

she had wanted to write something great, unaware as she was writing, she was creating a masterpiece, that would transcend the ages of time, elevating her status as a martyr. She was 100% human, and in her dairy you can relieve the through her ups and downs, her wants and needs. Here was a child in spite of the hell collapsing around her could write something as beautiful as this, "I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

It amazes me even during the chaos they were living through, she chose to stay optimistic. There were times she questioned her ideals, but once ideals take hold of the heart it next to impossible to rid oneself of the ideals.

So what does any of this have to do what we can offer so the future can profit?

First off I want to say, I am like her. I believe that every person alive is basically good at heart. I believe we are on the cusp of the greatest revolution to come. I see and dream of a world that no matter the race, color, beliefs, straight, homosexual, transgender, are living in a world of piece and becoming one united species.

In order for are species to survive the great lengths of time still ahead of us we must get over such petty and useless bigot ideals as these. No longer can humanity be separated by the color of skin or belief. The color of your skin, religion, sexual identity, should not matter.

The world has already seen to much hate. To many crimes of genocide has already plagued our species. No more should there be acts genocide. The world can longer tolerate such behavior. We have come to the cusp in our time into a new revolution of decentralization, and we have to ask ourselves what does decentralization mean and how can it be of profit for the future unborn generations? For the decisions we act upon today will ripple into the future and create cause and effect. Does it mean anyone can post and do anything and is their right even if it means hurting children, enslaving people, promoting acts of genocide? or, does mean we have to establish moral laws in the systems we create to support the basic freedoms given to us by the right of birth?

We have to have laws? There has to be some form of punishment for those who breech other peoples liberties. I believe we are born with certain rights, and we have a right to pursue freedom and happiness as long as it doesn't trespass on someones else liberty. I read just the other day that through block chain anybody has a voice and anybody can post whatever they want to and there isn't nothing that can be done. Really? Is the type of world we want to create? Is the type of world you want to leave for future generations? Systems that can give rapist, child molesters, murderers, and promoters of genocide to express and try to sell there sick ideas?

In that article (which I will not name) the author stated that a few must be sacrificed so in decentralized world every body can have and express the beliefs. In other words we must be willing to turn a blind here and there on stuff like child porn, etc. To paraphrase the author went on to state, not that we shouldn't try to punish those involved, but a few will slip through the crack, it's kinda like the Tor Browser created for the FBI. The FBI had to release it to everyone so they could do their work even though it allowed sites like the silk road and child pornography to exist.

If this what decentralization is about, then count me out. Because you are wrong! I will not take part in any form of system, platform, media, group, who condoles such acts of trespasses against the human race. I believe in decentralization, and I truly believe in the The declaration of Independence, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (people) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. There has to be a way to safe guard the basic rights of freedoms in a decentralized system. How this can be done I don't know, but it can be done. And for a true decentralized system to work we the people have to find a way. No person should be allowed to promote any form of genocide, hate, or enslavement on the block chain. I love the block chain. But there must be laws built in our systems to protect the basic rights. If not then the future does not belong to us. And to think that humanity cannot live a billions and billions years into the future brings tears to my eyes. We are human. We are Humanity. We must push forward. The universe belongs to us if we choose to promote love, piece ,and freedom.

The world can no longer be separated by petty ideas. No longer can the world endure another Genocide like the Holocaust that took Innocent life of a young girl name Ann Frank. She beautiful, she was innocent, and most of all she was human who had her basic rights of freedom stolen because she was a Jew.

The block chain is here to stay, as it should be, but it up to us how the block chain can benefit humanity. We cannot let promotion of evils on the block chain. There is way, and we must find that system that works in our favor and protects basic freedoms.


The documentary touched me in way I hadn't expected, which of course is good. I should be reminded of the evils that has and is taken place on Earth, so I can do the opposite and promote freedom and piece. I want my children to grow up in a world that is far better than it is now. With each passing day we are getting closer to a peaceful world. It may take another hundred years or so, but if we all stand together under a united idea of love and piece it will happen. I believe love always triumphs over evil. It can be no other way. So please, promote love and piece and together we can create something far bigger than any of us, and the future generations can profit from decisions and acts of kindness we promote today. There is no more room for hate, only love and piece and our freedoms to pursue happiness.

Ann Frank was robbed from her life, and when I think about she was just one of millions of children to die during the Holocaust it makes cry. No child should live in fear. All children deserve only the best things in life, love and piece and freedom.

Ann Frank writings in her diary was that of a genius, and she never realized it. She had hopes and dreams and those dreams had come true with the price of death. I think about what she could have done for the world if she had lived. She touched me just as she has touched millions of others. When her father read her diary for the first time, he discovered another Ann Frank he never knew. He discovered the secret Ann Frank , the writer Ann Frank, that can only be revealed through words on paper, and her father said, she had grown up and he never realized it.

She touched me. Oh yes, Ann Frank tugged at the deepest roots of my heart, and I am thankful. I can relate to the writer in her. And what touched me most, is that she was a writer, and like all writers she found survival through writing.

Shane Dustin

I want to give Thanks to the @freewritehouse

I want to give Thanks to @mariannewest for the freewrite challenge.

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Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=64781454

By Unknown photographer; Collectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam - Website Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam, Public Domain

Image Source: https://steemit.com/steemit/@dunja/steemit-logo-in-different-file-formats-png-jpg-ai-eps-svg-pdf


Man’s inhumanity to man. If only it was something we could cure.
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