Black, Green, White (5 minute freewrite - Friday prompt: whiteboard

in #freewrite6 years ago

There was a time when blackboards were actually black. By the time I was in school, they were green. But they were still called blackboards. I suppose they could just have been called chalkboards, and perhaps, in some places, they were. I will call them that today. Chalk was dusty, sneezey stuff, and so were the erasers. It isn't easy to write nicely on a chalkboard with chalk. And there is nothing quite like the ghastly sound made by fingernails on a chalkboard. It makes me shiver just to think about it.

And then somebody invented the whiteboard. It certainly has its advantages. It erases without causing a dusty mess, and the markers can be colorful, not just black. I've never heard anybody try to scrape their fingernails across a whiteboard. Their biggest disadvantage, in my opinion, is the makers smell bad. If I am shut into a small room where someone is using a whiteboard, like in a meeting room, I can quickly develop a headache from the odor of those markers.

We have a whiteboard at home. It is useful for leaving little notes, like "Mom is napping so don't slam the door," or " Call work as soon as you find this note" or "Be sure to let the cats out before you leave." The trouble is, some of us don't go past that whiteboard in a timely fashion. It is downstairs, and sometimes we don't go down there. Or those who sleep downstairs might not have their glasses on when they get up, so they won't see a note, anyway. Still, it seems like a useful thing to have around.

And I think this is the most boring freewrite I have produced yet!!! I will blame it on the late hour...once again.


I hate the blackboards so much. Especially when we have to use charcoal on it every Friday.

That does sound messy!

It is, and at the same time the group get to chill together and talk about their weekend plans. It used to be fun.

Don't forget when the chalk would squeak while writing. That was fun, too! 😁

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Haha! Reminds me of 5th grade. There was a girl in my class who loved to scratch her nails on the chalkboard to annoy everone. Worst. Noise. Ever.
I like our white board. We call it the 'write and wipe' board. I dont know why. I think my mom called it that. But yeah, they do stink, and in a closed room, that would just not work for us. Thankfully, our windows are open most of the time.
I use ours as a to-do list for the kids. All their chores and schoolwork are written on it.

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