5-minute Freewrite Day 804 prompt: we are young

in #freewrite5 years ago

Age is a matter of perspective. When we are young, say, ten years old, we think anyone over fifteen is old, people in their 40s are ancient, and people in their 60s are nearly dead. Then we get to be in our 40s and discover we aren't ancient at all. Now I am in my 60s and some days I feel old, but other days I feel fairly young. Alas, when I am feeling young and energetic, I tend to do things that I ought not do any more, like go down long, bumpy slides with my granddaughter, and end up with a bruised tailbone. And there was that time I was playing with her and the neighborhood children on the sidewalk, and pulled her along on a tricycle with a rope, and somehow I ended up on my behind on the sidewalk. That hip still hurts sometimes, and that happened about a year and a half ago. Maybe longer.

I remember having a conversation with my father about age. He was in his 90s at the time, and we were talking about how our definition of "old" changes as we age. I asked him what he thought "old" was now, and he said "I'm there." So there you have it, folks: we may be in our 60s and think we are old, but in the eyes of someone in his 90s, we are young.


I feel young at heart n head
But my body begs to defer ;p

Oh yes. I get that.

I sure agree with this! I remember when I was 19 and a newlywed my husband's aunt and uncle were in their early 30s and had a couple of children. I thought they were ancient! Now here I am 57 and I look back on my foolishness and laugh. Although I don't feel old so to speak I am definitely not play Young I sure agree with this! I remember when I was 19 and a newlywed, my husband's aunt and uncle were in there early thirties and had a couple of children. I thought they were ancient! Now here I am 57 and I look back on my foolishness and laugh. Although I don't feel old, so to speak, I am definitely not The young, tireless and sassy girl I used to be and physically I'm ready for bed around 9:30 everyday lol.

I don't even have the energy I had 5 years ago, which is a bummer.

You know you are getting old when every time you don't feel the pain somewhere in your body feels like an intense pleasure. )))

@scribblingramma You sure it the nail on the head with this one. I can remember thinking 30 was old, I would love to be 30 again, I was so young then.lol

I've been looking at old photo albums, and marveling at how young I looked, even in my 50s!

@scibblingramma I know, I still looked the same at 50 then something happened while in my 60's I am not sure when it did it, but it seems like it was overnight I went to bed and woke with wrinkles.

Yep, I know what you mean!!

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