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RE: DRENCHED [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #freewrite6 years ago

So is your house actually female or did you just assign a gender so the readers thinking they'd stumbled upon a titillating piece would be misled to the very end XD

Were you able to have a hot shower after all that or just had to dry off and wrap in blankets? I'm going to assume the latter as that's likely what would have had to happen on Christmas Island, though on the bright side it doesn't really get too cold there XD More importantly did you manage to get your roof fixed after all that?



Me? Mislead readers? Ugh! I would never... Huh-whatchu think of me, woman!? Good day to you, mate. I say good day!!

Hahaha! Seriously though, I do assign names to all my things, and the house isn't an exception. Currently, we're living in @randomli's old house, so it's not "mine" per se, but I do believe it to be a woman, yes. My car's name is Maisie, because it's a Mazda CX-5 and I was watching Maze Runner (the sequel) while I was waiting for the papers to be processed. My cajon's name is Maya because I bumped into the lead vocalist of a famous local band named Rivermaya when I bought it.

No hot shower, only a cold one. I wasn't able to just dry off because my whole body was littered with wood and gunk. Not being too cold here was truly a blessing though. Bright side indeed!

The roof was patched up and declogged the day after, but the ceiling remains the same haha! I took that photo just before I put up the post >.<

LoL! All of our houses have had names but not genders XD J's cars and computers seem to always be girls somehow, mine not so much, and I also name my phones. Nice to know I'm not crazy the only one ;D

Yay for the roof being fixed at least. Ceiling repairs next?


My current phone's name is Leni (a Lenovo), my previous one was named Sami (a Samsung), and the one before that was Andie (a Nexus One) haha! I think you posted something regarding that before and we had already concluded that we had previously met in the same asylum haha! Mine's almost exclusively girl's names, because it would be weird if let's say my guitar had a man's name and I was holding "his" shaft >.<

Ceiling repairs... hmm.. I'm not sure if I want to remove the trace of my conquest.

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