Another 5 minutes freewrite: "THE STRANDED LADY"

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, and welcome once again to another 5 minutes free write session. I want to specially thank @mariannewest for once again providing the prompt for today's challenge and then invite everyone on the Blockchain to join in today's challenge. If you are interested in today's challenge, then here is the link to the prompt.

As Walcott left the club he saw her standing there stranded under the rain drenched and her dress clung to her body like a second skin, and my oh my! she oozed of sex appeal from every pore, and so without even thinking twice, he parked like a possessed man the moment she waved at him.

My name is Sandra, and could you please put on the heater, I'm freezing, and without questioning he did, and put the car into drive, the rev of the engine of the Ferrari filled the night as the car flew over the road heading towards the mansion. As they approached the mansion she watched him punch in the code into the control console and she smiled it was the exact same code she was given, he was truly a dumb ass he hadn't even changed the code, and she prayed she would hit same luck with the safe.

As soon as she alighted , she just pulled the long top over her head and beneath it she just wore her birthday suit, and Walcott was mesmerized by her beauty, as he struggled to remove his clothings, she walked to the bar and pulled a bottle of red wine, poured for the both of them, and handed Walcott a glass which he collected gulped down without a second thought and told her to pour some more,but instead she lay down on the floor right there in the sitting room poured the drink all over her body and asked him to lick it off her, which he immediately dug in and started licking.

As he was licking her, he just dozed off, and she smiled, this was the beginning of success in her assignment, Walcott didn't see her pour the colourless liquid from the bottle which was strapped to her inner thigh into the cup before pouring him his drink. The red wine was poisoned and he was going to be sleeping like this for the next four hours so she had little time.

Its a 5 minutes freewrite challenge and my 5 minutes is up, so see you when next I join the challenge.

Image credit goes to PIXABAY free photos.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.


More fun stuff from you sir! I'm always glad to read your stories. You were featured in the #payitforward contest by @magicalmoonlight. Congratulations and best wishes.

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Nice for 5 min
welcome to SGG

Thanks boss, i hope to go far in the SGG family

you will , one day at a time . participation is the key

I have to agree, Walcott is a dumb ass. At least she's only there to steal from him, maybe he'll learn to be more careful after this.

Nice story! You are talented in many ways. It is a pleasure to have you with us at SGG.

I am also glad to be a part of SGG and more especially grateful for the appreciation and the love.

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