Can the Truth Really set you free or Apart?

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

I hate it when i speak With emotions, i say things out and loud the way they are without filter or concern of how the other person will feel.
I understand that this is both a good and a very bad thing.

Some people became like this when they consume excessive amount of alcohol but i don't need too.
Worst part is i feel much better when its all out but ofcourse i cant say the same for the person i have hurt with my truth, and by the time i realize that i might have hurt thw other persons feelings, its then too late.

I have put my self in their shoes too and i think i'd agree with my self that its better someone tells me the their painful truths than cover under a shit load of lies, that might still explode later on.
With me i feel the greatest self imprisonment is not speaking out your mind and withholding feelings that will burden your thoughts and put a bug weight on your hurt.

What do you people think? Is it okay to always speak our truths and set our mibds free regardless of how our loved ones feel?

I am also scared that this may hunder me greatly into finding a life partner as most ment, especially Africab men take this as a form of disrespect.

Reason why i prefer to be on my own sometimes, because i can be too much and m some peoplw might not just be able to handle me.

Let me hear your thoughts Dear Earthlings .



Hello @purpletanzanite .You have a great quality right there and in my opinion makes you so much more beautiful. Lies are like a ticking timebomb that when it explodes it destroys everything in close proximity.
But then again our truths especially when it reveals the vulnerable sides of ourselves should only be volunteered to life partners we feel are matured in mind and spirit and because they will appreciate you so much more and along with it,you will earn their trust and respect.Another reason why saying your truth(s) to your life partner is that it removes the power a lie has over you especially when enemies want to use the lie as a weapon against the marriage in the form of a blackmail.

thank you, this has made me put alot in perspective, especially when it comes to relationships. i have also realized that the tone used at passing the message also matters a lot. Thank you , your input is highly valued.

i came across an interesting topic that is similar to this from @chbartist , you may have a read here.

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