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RE: Sleep - a stream of consciousness poem for Weekend Freewrite 3/31/2018 - sleep

in #freewrite6 years ago

This was beautifully written! There is a will to be awake, wanting to go on 24/7 and sleep seems like it is stealing away your time. It's interesting that you portray the 'sleeping' as 'time for dreams'. That gives it a much different feel to it rather than rest or energy. Dreams can also be interpreted in the 'goals' aspect, where if we constantly go on to work and do stuff, we might not have time to dream and aim for something more than we are achieving. Maybe at times we are counter productive to ourselves.

For real though, sleep is important! I try to sleep eight hours a day, and it helps my brain function at optimal level ;)


I know... I've actually been getting around 8 hours these days, thankfully. It was 4 or 5 there for a while!

Yes, the double meaning of "dreams" is key to the poem :) Thanks for the close reading and insightful comments J.

How is the sombre days doing? I need to pop over and see what you're up to!

Glad you're getting that sleep!

It depends how you would measure success. I'm proud of it and it has helped me emotionally and mentally, so it's priceless. On steemit, didn't really catch on haha, just tiny upvotes daily. Overall, 10 books sold, which might seem a little but for me that's a lot haha.

I think selling even one copy of an actual book, or even ebook these days is an accomplishment! :D

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