
Awww, thank you!!
(Only my alter-ego drives like that. I speed up for potholes. That's the extent of my wild "live on the edge!" habits.)

@owasco, how long have you been with #freewritehouse? you might like this story from four months ago (cars! fast engines!):
Muscle Car Day 353: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: muscle - it was one of my own personal favorites, anyway. And like most of my stuff, it didn't attract a lot of attention:

Sixteen cents would be a major haul for me, even today! I discovered freewrite house a couple months ago when I tried a 50 word for Jayna.

Writing is my new obsession. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR ALL THIS WRITING!
Great story! You know an awful lot about cars. Was that a three prompt one, the bolded parts being the prompts? I have no idea how you come up with all that on the fly of a freewrite.

I know nothing about cars, but my mom's cousin in Arizona is self taught and is one of a half dozen people on the planet who can build a car from scratch. Like George Barris, who built the car James Dean drove in Rebel Without a Cause ( Mostly I just go online and snag anything that sounds like something my far-away cousin might say. Thanks for reading and commenting and please keep writing!

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