5 Minute Freewrite: A Purple Squirrel

in #freewrite7 years ago

A Purple Squirrel


At first glance, the notion of a purple squirrel seems ridiculous. Where would one even come from? A fever dream? An acid trip? A bucket of paint and some misdemeanors? The answers are yes, yes, and yes. But, what about your place of employment? What if you worked with a purple squirrel? Actually, you might. You might work with one every day. Every company is looking for one. In the business world, a "purple squirrel" is considered the most coveted employee there is. It's an industry expert. It's a difference maker. The purple squirrel is someone who is essential for the company's success.

So, the next time you're at work, take a look around. Notice anyone wearing purple? Do a co-worker's cheeks look more stuffed than usual? Well, you may have discovered your company's purple squirrel. Or, if you work with me, you can just stop by my desk. 😇

Special thanks to @mariannewest for this challenge!
Link to challenge post: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-19-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-a-purple-squirrel




Yes! A purple squirrel... this is what happens when you do not harvest your wine grapes fast enough ;)

Wait, were the dream, acid trip, bucket of paint, and missing story of misdemeanors all one instance? Where is that post?
Remember those training videos that had "Sally", "Steve", or some other generic name demonstrate workplace safety and procedures? I want to see this Purple Squirrel make an appearance in one of those. (Complete with a purple bushy tail!) 😁

A real squirrel? Or a person in a squirrel suit?

Why not both? There could be an employee in a squirrel suit who has a purple squirrel that he snuck into the office. The cute little critter could set up a nest in the supply closet and freak out the receptionist.

Don't give Lori any ideas.

And I just scolded Evie for jumping around after eating. Can't take any chances.

I promise nothing. 😜
Poor kitty! All she wants to do is play and there you are, being "mean". (But I get it.)

That's really awesome and I love the end..

Well, you may have discovered your company's purple squirrel. Or, if you work with me, you can just stop by my desk.

Aww, you're too kind. Thank you.

That picture certainly drew me in!!

Yes. The second I spotted it I knew it was the one.

You had me laughing out loud!!! And the picture!!!!! I will stop by your desk and check on your cheeks :)

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