Always late: Day 204 Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


Here's my take on today's freewrite prompt: late. You can find the details about freewrites at:

Late. "Late for a very important date." Why do I always hear that phrase when I see the word "late"? It's not like I'm a big Alice in Wonderland fan. I've seen it maybe twice. Ok maybe each version twice. But it's like a Pavlovian response for me. Minus the drooling.

Maybe it's because I'm late. Late for work, late for the party, late to the show...I'm cursed to be late always. Perhaps it's genetic. My Dad was always late. Mom said he nearly missed the wedding, was late for my birth, and in the end, he was late for death. He lived a good ten years after they gave him three months. I guess that kind of late is good.

Now Dan wants to have children and I'm afraid. I don't want to pass on the curse. He says I'm being silly but what if it's true? Can I bring a child into the world who will be doomed to failure at every meeting, birthday party or major life event?

But I love Dan. And I love children. So maybe I can talk him into moving somewhere time doesn't matter. Somewhere no one wears watches or cares if you show up a little late. Yes. That's it. Somewhere warm too...oops. I'm late to dinner with Dan.

Thanks again @mariannewest for a perfect prompt!

Note the freewrite above is totally fictional.

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Note: All images are mine or licensed from Adobe except where noted. The Dynamic Steemians' banner was thoughtfully provided by @baa.steemit.


I had the same line from Alice in Wonderland run through my head when I read the prompt as well! Great point that there are some situations where 'late' is a good thing, I had never looked at it that way before. A place where "time doesn't matter"? Now that you mention it, I think I'd like to move there too!

Today's prompts are brought to you by our new resident, a Kasa-Obake. Don't be startled by her long tongue, she's very friendly! Only, don't ask if you can use her if it starts to rain.😉

Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Single Prompt Option

Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Part 1 - The First Sentence

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