Fly on a Window - Freewrite Day 500 Entry - Prompt: Sound

in #freewrite5 years ago

Hello friends. I hope that you're doing well :)

This is my response to the Freewrite prompt, a daily writing exercise that I am really enjoying doing. Thank you @mariannewest for hosting these.

I’ve been challenging myself to make all of the freewrites I do match a particular theme. So far, I have made them about wild animals that tend to get a bad reputation, and am finding it to be a very enjoyable challenge. I’d be curious if anyone else had any other suggestions.

Prompt: “Sound”

The fly buzzed around the room. The sound of her wings made a loud, consistent noise, the kind that could drive a person crazy if they had to listen to it all day. Luckily, this fly was alone, and was happily spending the day exploring the place she called home.

She buzzed around merrily, with no rhyme or reason. A quick stop on a mirror, and then off to a bookshelf. She walked around a bit, hanging upside for a time, and then flew to a lower shelf and crawled on a book for awhile. It let off an interesting smell, but it wasn’t particularly appetizing. She was starting to get hungry, and figured that it was time for a snack. So, she flew into the kitchen.

Once there, she made her way to the food bin, where the large beings who shared the space with her put their tasty goodies. She alighted on the lid, and crawled through the tiny hole she had discovered. Inside was a smorgasbord of food, apple cores, watermelon rinds, carrot tops. She was never in want of food here. After eating her fill, she crawled back out of the bin, and continued on her exploration.

She flew to the curtains the sink, stopping by the faucet to drink some water. She knew that the invisible wall was somewhere nearby, having ran into it many times recently. Eventually, she would figure out a way to get to that outside world. But for now, she was happy where she was.

Flies have been a fairly consistent insect in my life. I don’t mind them usually, but every now and then you get one of those especially loud ones that whiz by your ears, and I do find them annoying. I’ve definitely spent longer than I should have with a cup, trying to catch a fly so I could take it outside. I’ve tried opening windows, doors, etc, but usually that just leads to more of the little beings coming in.

Source on Unsplash

They can definitely be gorgeous though. Like this one pictured, I have seen some with some beautiful iridescent coloring. I love looking at these macro images, it really drives home how much intricacy and beauty there are in insect biology.

I am looking for a partner for the we-write contest if anyone is interested. You can find details here.

If you’re interested in writing with me, please send me a message on discord, my username is nmcdougal#1503, or on Telegram.

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Until next time,


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Nice description of a fly as it roams a home. That was a fun read! Keep up the good work!

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I'm very glad you enjoyed it :) thank you for your kind words.

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My pleasure, @nmcdougal

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You managed to make a fly seem friendly and interesting!! Well done.

I can't stand the things. With their buzzing, flying into my ears and eyeballs, and sneaking inside the house when my son leaves the door open for a few seconds too long when I have food on the counter... 😂


Please come join us for Day 515!!

Sweet :) that was my goal with this.

They definitely can be annoying little creatures, but I like to believe that they're unaware of it and they shouldn't be punished simply for existing.

I'll get to that one eventually. I'm slowly working my way back to current from missing a week. Thank you for sharing the prompt with me :)

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