A Sad Day for Turkeys - Freewrite Day 499 Entry - Prompt: Meat and Gravy

in #freewrite5 years ago

Hello friends. I hope that you're doing well :)

This is my response to the Freewrite prompt, a daily writing exercise that I am really enjoying doing. Thank you @mariannewest for hosting these.

This particular prompt is on a subject that is very sensitive to me. This response is someone graphic, and may make you uncomfortable because I will be addressing the horrific scenario that animals in food production face.


Prompt: “Meat and gravy”

The turkeys could sense something in the air. Something was about to happen. They tried to walk around, but the combination of their massively overweight bodies, weak legs, and cramped quarters made it impossible for them to flee as they wanted to.

In the distance, a light pierced the dark, musty room that was their home. Someone was coming through a door. The dust started swirling as fresh air came into the room, but with it was a sense for foreboding. The turkeys start gobbling, and moved around as much as they could. The noise rose to a crescendo, when the people who had come in through the door started grabbing turkeys. They were stuffed unceremoniously into crates, one after another, shoved into tiny, cramped spaces where they couldn’t move.

After a few minutes of this, the people left again, leaving in their wake a mass of terrified birds. A few had been trampled in the ruckus, unable to escape their fleeing brethren. The crates were all taken from the room, and loaded onto a huge truck. The turkeys were confused, gobbling, unsure of what was happening, but enjoying the sunlight and fresh air for once in their 4 month old life.
These turkeys were destined for a painful end in a slaughterhouse, their short, painful existence ending in a horror show of blood. THey would be cut down in their youth, their life ended far too early.

Just so that someone can enjoy meat and gravy.

I realize that many people don’t like to think of where the food they eat comes from, or what horrible things the animals have to endure. I certainly didn't for a very long time. This particular prompt reminded me of all the times that I have consumed animals flesh with gravy, prior to becoming vegan. I deeply regret my past, but can only change my behavior moving forward.

I strongly urge people to really consider their opinions regarding their choice of foods. If you ever want someone to talk with about these kinds of issues, I would gladly have a discussion with you.

Source on Unsplash

I am looking for a partner for the we-write contest if anyone is interested. You can find details here.

If you’re interested in writing with me, please send me a message on discord, my username is nmcdougal#1503, or on Telegram.

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Until next time,


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Nice story indeed it is a bit creepy @nmcdougal94 😉 but I'm not a vegan and I have no regret to eat my own self-rise chicken or land watwr fishes too.

I'm fine with the veggies and love fruits too. My brother hates it when his chicken slaughtered to feed our big family and he refused to eat chicken meat for years until he realised .. it's better to be eat by human then eaten by wild animals.

I appreciate your choice 😉

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