A Crocodile's Curiosity - Freewrite Day 503 Entry - Prompt: Snapshot

in #freewrite5 years ago

Hello friends. I hope that you're doing well :)

This is my response to the Freewrite prompt, a daily writing exercise that I am really enjoying doing. Thank you @mariannewest for hosting these.

I’ve been challenging myself to make most of the freewrites I do match a particular theme. So far, I have made many of them about wild animals that tend to get a bad reputation, and am finding it to be a very enjoyable challenge. I’d be curious if anyone else had any other suggestions.


Prompt: “Snapshot”

The crocodile swam through the water, it’s smooth motions driving it rapidly forward. It was just exploring today, swimming around the river it called home to see if there was anything new. After a timeless period swimming forward through the dark, murky water, she surfaced, her eyes just peeking out above the water. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was, but that was part of the fun of exploration.

She swam over to the bank, and crawled out. She was quite warm, so sat for a time with her mouth open, cooling off. In the distance, she saw some movement, but being one of the biggest predators in the world had it’s advantage. She had nothing to fear, so merely observed this strange creature on the opposite bank. It was carrying a device that kept flashing, like sometimes happened with the sun reflected off the surface of the water. It stopped moving for a time, and pulled out another device from behind its back. This thing had three legs, and the being set the first device on this, and squatted down behind this.

She was starting to get quite curious now. Rarely did anything stay this long when she was around, she had quite an intimidating presence. She decided to get a closer look, and made her way towards the water. Carrying her bulk on land, she was far from graceful, but as soon as she got into her element, she took off, her fluid motions propelling her swiftly. She stayed on the surface this time, to track the strange being.

It apparently was quite excited by her movements, and fuddled a lot more with its strange contraption. Before she could make it even halfway across the river, the being picked up its things, and started to move away. She was still curious what it was, but knew she wouldn’t be able to make it in time, so she turned away, and continued down the river. She would remember this though. She would make a mental snapshot, and the next time she saw one of those beings, she would investigate sooner.

But that was for another day.

So, I am not sure why I took this avenue. In case it wasn’t clear, the strange being was a human taking pictures. Maybe a bit of a stretch for this prompt, but I liked how the story flowed.

Crocodiles (and alligators) are pretty amazing creatures. Unchanged for millions of years, basically the dominant predator in their environment (excepting hippos where there is overlap), and capable of enduring some truly staggering conditions.

Please enjoy this picture of a baby crocodile. I personally think they’re quite cute.


Until next time,


I am looking for a partner for the we-write contest if anyone is interested. You can find details here.

If you’re interested in writing with me, please send me a message on discord, my username is nmcdougal#1503, or on Telegram.

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Ahh... I was guessing what was the being and good thing you informed at the end of the freewrite. Brilliant.

I know I am late but better than nothing. If you haven't checked out the next prompt, here it is ➡️ 'bark'.

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