Free Write Wednesday prompt Open a lot of doors

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Wednesday prompt Open a lot of doors by @mariannewest

I had a hundred bait to go with today but when I pulled the holding pen up there were about 20 hooked ones that died. I fished 2 islands and decided to run my traps and get a few more bait, and that is what I got, very few. I ran 30 traps for 27 bait. I open a lot of doors and latch them back for that many bait. I went ahead and fished with that. I did not catch much and the jacks wanted to eat my precious pigfish. After using up all my bait I ran my traps again but this time I did not put them back. I put 16 on my boat to take home. I will get the rest of them tomorrow. My husband put 50 pigfish in my holding pen and I had 50 hooked baits so I will have something to fish with.

We are to get a lot of thunderstorms starting Friday so I am thinking I will pull everything out of the water and after the weather passes I will go north looking for bait. I hate to go south because my husband and Joe have their traps south.

This cooter, aka softshell turtle, was in my driveway, when I first saw it he was in the middle of the road. I called my husband and asked if he wanted fried cooter for dinner and he asked how big is it, I said a little bigger than a dinner plate, he did not want to clean one that small. I waited until it moved to the side so I could get by it. Then I saw it was stuck between the bamboo and the fence, so I get my steering pole out of my boat and try to get it unstuck. Let me tell you, that little MFer is a badass, he was trying to eat my pvc pipe I steer with. It took some doing to get him out but finally, I got him loose.


I caught 13 trout that weighed 24 pounds, I also had 25 pounds of jacks



I didn't know you could eat turtle @myjob, what do they taste like?

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@wonderwop we only eat the freshwater softshell turtles, it is hard to explain what they taste like, they are good. Better than chicken. Saltwater turtles are good too but they are against the law to eat. I ate it as a kid back when you could sell them.

Thanks for letting me know @myjob. 👍

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You did not know that?

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I've never even heard of such a thing @wakeupkitty

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Also not the soup?

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I am telling you, I love to read your freewrites and see a slice of your life.
Does it happen often that the bait dies? That must be so frustrating!!

And do pull everything out and wait out those storms. I know that you like to wait for the last minute but i feel that all weather events have gotten stronger...

And it would never have occurred to me that a turtle on the road could mean dinner. Now, I am hoping that when you eat one next time, you take photos on how to clean such a catch.

@mariannewest we do not lose many baits when the water is cool but once it gets hot, like now, the hooked baits are already stressed and I think that weakens them and we lose them. I am amazed that people find my life interesting, thank you, I take it for granted that everyone does not live as I do. I will post about a turtle the next time we get one. This is another reason I love steemit. On FB the local newspaper featured a couple who takes their two kids fishing and people were condemning them for teaching their kids to kill nature instead of loving it. One actually called their kids idiots for fishing and keeping the fish. On steemit you want to know how to clean a turtle, I love it. Steemit has real people, they are all fakes on FB. rant over, lol

You are going to eat your dailypet?

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@wakeupkitty hahahaha yes I would.

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