Free Write Tuesday prompt Metal butterfly

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt Metal Butterfly by @mariannewest

Have you ever wondered how butterflies got their name? What about them is buttery? I have always thought they should be called Flutterbys, I can not imagine what a metal butterfly would do, will it be too heavy to fly? If it cannot fly, can its little legs support its huge metal wings? Would metal butterflies have all the colors that normal butterflies have or would they all be rust colored? So many questions about metal butterflies. I have a friend that makes things out of metal, I bet he could make a metal butterfly. This is one of his metal artwork.


Every evening I have to charge the battery in my boat, I use it to run the pumps that keep my bait alive. I guess something went wrong last night and it did not charge. At 10 this morning it went dead and I had to pull start my motor the rest of the day, it had enough juice in it to run one pump. This is my bait.

How am I going to hook a fish when they do this to my bait?

I pulled half my traps out today and will get the other half tomorrow. We have to pull everything out of the water before the 4th, if we leave them in the water we will have nothing left by the time this weekend is over. On the 4th there will be lots of boats out at night and with that many boats, some are sure to cut our traps off, to be safe and not lose traps we pull them out.


I caught 18 trout that weighed 29 pounds and 3 jacks that weighed 6 pounds.



Love the metal seahorse. How long did it take him to make it? Flutterbys would be a great name for butterflies. The Sioux Indians called them "flutter wings." Sounds like you will be busy today and then you can have a day off on the 4th. Have a good one! : )

Resident cat here, wishing you a Happy 4th. Here is today's new prompt:

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite.

@whatisnew I do not know how long it took him to make it. He has made so many awesome pieces. The seahorse is now at some restaurant in Texas, They renamed the restaurant after the seahorse.

That is awesome! He must feel so proud of that. Happy 4th @myjob! : )

@whatisnew Happy fourth to you

Thanks! I hope the boats didn't scare all of the fish away for Friday's catch. Good luck!

@whatisnew no Friday fishing, to many boats, I will put my traps over Sunday and fish Monday. It is best to stay away from the river until the weekend is over. To many people playing.

I forgot that everyone was turning a one day holiday into a long weekend. I hope you had a nice rest and hope you have a good fishing day on Monday. We are a family that loves to fish but mostly for sport now. No keepers. My soon to be 7 year old grandson told me, "I want to be a professional fisherman when I grow up." Here is a photo of him on his 6th birthday. What did he want to do? Go fishing and catch a big Large Mouth Bass and that is exactly what he did. Look at how happy and proud he was. : )

@whatisnew That smile is what life is all about. That is a great catch for the little guy. When my grandson was also 7, I took him fishing as we went down the dock we met my husband, my grandson says Pop I am going to catch a shark, my husband says Buddy I don't think you will catch a shark but good luck.IMG_20170909_142751.jpg
the shark was not this big, he would not let it near him so I had to hold the line and take the pic, and that made it look bigger. It was about 12inches. a newborn bull shark.

You should ask your metal-working friend if he has ever made a butterfly!

@scribblingramma He likes to make things from the sea or wildlife, I bet he could make a beautiful butterfly.

Perhaps metal flies do not need to fly? Although in a German freewrite they did and were noisy (see my recommendation at the @freewritehouse).

The Dutch word for butterfly = vlinder. Vlinder is nothing, means nothing. I wonder who made it up. A better word would be fladder or flap (meaning flutter or flap).

Another pay check for you.
Your friend makes nice things. Selling them to?

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