Free Write prompt School House

in #freewrite5 years ago

I would like to thank @freewritehouse for making this graphic for me.... This post is for @freewrite prompt school house, by @mariannewest......I am 62, going to be 63 in a couple months and I can still remember my first day of school. My school house is still a school, they have added onto it, but the "old" building still stands. That one building held first to twelfth grade, it was 2 story. First and second grade was in one classroom which put me and my older brother in the same class, he did not like this and was glad when he went to third grade and was not in the same class as I was. We did not have to wear shoes to school until I was in the third grade, my Dad would not buy us shoes and kept sending us to school without them. The school sent notes home with us saying we can not come back without having shoes. He finally gave in and bought us shoes, and he made sure we took care of them so he did not have to buy new ones. In third grade I had a very good teacher, most kids did not like her because she made you, toe the line. The thing I remember most about her was everyday after lunch she would read to us from the Nancy Drew books or sometimes the Hardy Boys. She read with passion and we would beg her to read more, sometimes she would but most she would only read a couple chapters. When I was in 7th grade Dad put us in a private school and our school house was a house, they did not have 7th grade books but had 9th grade books so that is what they taught. The next year I am in 8th grade my Dad hired a teacher to come to our home, he bought an Airstream trailer, like you would camp in, for our school house and he could not get 8th grade books so I ended up having the same books that I had in 7th grade, this teacher was not a good person, he was a dirty old man who wore white pants with the pocket area cut out and no underwear, he would expose his self to me and my sisters. We never told Dad and to this day I do not understand why we did not speak up. My Dad was leashing the land we lived on from the county and the State wanted the land and took it, so we had to move, that is a whole nother story. He moved us to Missouri, I was in 9th grade and I'll be damn most classes I had the same damn books I had the past two years. At the end of my 9th grade my Dad told me he was taking me out of school, he said a woman does not need an education. I liked school and did not want to quit, but I could not go against my Dad. Later when I was married I went to night school and got my GED. And as it turned out I do not need an education to be a fisherman. But I can say I have it.


You are so welcome for the graphics :)

And what a story!! So much in there - again - you have material for a book - that is for sure. I am glad that the freewrites are bringing these stories out of you.

And don't think that you aren't a writer. I think you are doing pretty good!

@freewrithouse thank you for these kind words.

Another great freewrite @myjob. Your Dad had very set ideas.
The schoolhouse I went to from grade 1 to 6 was the same way with 2 classes in one room.
Looking back one wonders why they didn’t tell their parents about some the shady things that happened like that dirty old teacher.
No matter you turned out just fine and being a fisherman is a honourable profession. Lots of fishermen live here on Prince Edward Island(PEI).

@redheadpei thank you, I agree about my Dad, he was very strict. Much respect for the fishermen in PEI.

What a great #freewrite @myjob. You've come a long way in your 63 years. Uncle Bruni just turned 61 in February. 🎉🎊

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I'll screenshot this, maybe later you guys might say you're joking. FYI, am not half your age. 😁.

@wonderwop aka Uncle Bruni Happy late Birthday

Another oldster here! I'm 60, so I guess we are proving that crypto is not just for the young:) You sure have seen some interesting times and I am glad you are here telling us about it!

Waoh, this is so incredible.

@fitinfun never to old to learn new things, I love steemit. It seems funny to me that when I see the free write prompt the story I want to tell is there, I do not have to think about what I am going to write the words just come to me, and it is things I have went through, but I am not a writer, I wish my husband would write he has a good way with words, but he does not go on any social media sites.

Hello.. :D
Fantastic graphic... truly awesome for freewritehouse to do this for you.. (:
Amazing story of a little girl who became an amazing women...!!!!!!!!
and a fantastic writer...!! :D

@annephilbrick geez, you know how to give a girl a big head. hehehehe thank you that is very kind of you to say.

Education is needed for everything! ;)

@blacklux yes it is, my Dad was very old school. He wanted me to help out at home instead of going to school. But I stayed at the neighbors for the most part.

Reading your story touches me to the heart. The most unbelievable of it is the age, I mean, common, how is that even possible when am not even 30 yet and am I want to drop a prompt for you. Isn't that.......

Well, it's nice to connect with people all across the globe.

Am here to deliver the weekend freewrite prompt to you.

You might want a prompt, so single
Here you are, with it mingle.
Pro write pro, if you now the flow
3-1 prompt, hope you can bear the blow.
Do have a nice weekend.

@botefarm thank you your words are very touching to me also. Do you mean for me to write a free write with the prompt ( Isn't that). Yes I love connecting with people from all around the world. I hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Hello @myjob! I fell behind in my Steemit reading over the weekend, so am trying to catch up now. This is an amazing story you just told. You have been through a lot of difficulties but came out on top. My grade school had four classrooms, two grades in each room. It was a single story building. I am also 62, and I think that was the way a lot of schools were built in those days, with two grades per room. When I was in 7th grade I had to go to school in a different town (I should write about that in a post some day) and there were two rooms for each grade! I found it quite overwhelming. And what a pity you got stuck with the same books for three years in a row. I bet you knew the material inside out and backwards by the time you were done with that. I'm glad you got your GED, even if you don't feel like you really needed it as a fisherman. I'm sure it's still nice to know you persevered and got it.

@scribblingramma yes I new the History book and Math book very well, when I was in the 9th grade I had the teachers books with all the answers. My Dad kept the books when we moved. I don't think I needed them because I knew the books pretty good by then.

I think if it comes to dirty, old men we all shut up and we still do and soon it is normal again 🙁

I wonder why your dad took a private school and later a private teacher isn't that more expensive?

Good you did finish school it makes you feel better about you and you proved you are a great student and if it comes to your job: each profession has to be learned and not only for a living but also to stay alive we all need to be educated to manage.

@wakeupkitty by this time my Dad had money and could afford private school for us. I feel good about getting my GED, but it has never made a difference to my job. There was more than one dirty old man in my past, but I never told my Dad. Looking back on it I should have told him. But I think I was scared he would kill someone and then he would go to prison.

There was more as 1 dirty man in my life too but I doubt my dad would have done anything against it since 1 of them was his youngest brother. His other brother knew and would have taken action I think he even did since the youngest also did it to his daughter.

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@wakeupkitty we do have a lot in common, Two of my Dads brothers "touched" me. I think my Dad would have killed them. My Grandfather on my Dads side molested his daughters, my Aunts, I think it is a sickness in the heads.

It is sick for sure and as long we all shut up they continue.

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@wakeupkitty I agree, we know this now but back then we were quiet, I wonder how many little girls are going through the same and not saying anything, it is sad to think about them.

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