Free Write Friday prompt Gotham City

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Friday prompt Gotham City by @mariannewest

I grew up on the east side of the river, my husband grew up on the west side straight across from me. We never meet as kids but he says he went to the inlet, several times. That is where I lived. Neither of us has been to Gotham City, I do not know where it is at but I think it is where Batman and his sidekick Robin live.

Today was a good day except for the asswipe that ruined one of my anchorings, I asked him not to run his boat through where I was fishing but he would not listen and went right through it, I was catching good trout but not after he did that. I think some people get tunnel vision when they climb in a boat, they want to go from A to B in a straight line and nothing better be in their way. If I was fishing in Gotham City, I could have called Batman to give him a couple whams and pows.

After that episode, I moved and started catching again. I ran out of bait at 11:30 and had 29 trout that weighed 51 pounds, it was still a good days catch but I think would have been a great day if I had more bait. I text my husband to tell him I was going in and guessed I had 50 pounds. He text back he has 7 trout and says I quit!!!. I weighed my fish up and went home, at 5:30 he still was not home so I start worrying but shortly after that he came home. He said he was on his way in and decided to try one more place and he ended up catching 74 pounds.

This trout was 24 inches, we can not keep anything bigger than this.IMG_20190517_115454.jpg


@myjob, you did well to make a freewrite with today’s prompt. I haven’t made mine yet.
That’s a big fish! Glad you are having good catches. I always enjoy reading the writeup about your day.

@redheadpei thank you, I do not know if I will be writing anything this coming week. My daughter is taking me on a cruise and I do not know if I will have internet. I think I will be back the following weekend.

That sounds like a great time@myjob. What a wonderful daughter. Glad you mentioned it as I would wonder why you hadn’t posted. You will have some great photos & stories from the cruise. Enjoy! ❤️
I will be away next Thursday for a at least 4 days. My sister, Rose, doesn’t have internet there so I may be silent for awhile. 😂 Hubs and I are going to meet up with my sister & her hubby at her cottage ( 6hr car drive) in New Brunswick, and we will celebrate my youngest brother’s 60th b’day.

@redheadpei It sounds like both of us are going to have a good time. Happy birthday to your brother. My daughter told me that she paid for wifi but only one person can use it at a time so I might be able to post. 6 hr drive is ugh, I am glad you get to spend time with family.

I have no clue where Gotham City is either..🤷‍♀️ but I too think it's where Batman and his sidekick Robin hangout.
"asswipe" I haven't heard that word in a looong time...!!!lol. But it sure does fit to describe that inconsiderate jerk 😠.
Most glad to hear you both had a good catch day. And wow... that's a big trout...

I cannot stand Robin either.

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@annephilbrick I reserve the asswipe for special people who piss me off. For the life of me, I will never understand why they can not go around someone fishing, it makes me wonder what they do on the road if something is in their way.

Why you can't keep a fish bigger than that?

@blacklux because the law says no. we are not allowed any trout over 24 inches, I caught one that when I held it up it went from my waist to my feet and I had to throw it back it would have been a 36 dollar fish. sports can keep 1 over 24 inches. I do not think that is fair

It is not fair! Laws are made to screw hardworking people!

@blacklux yes, laws are not fair. But what are you going to do but comply?

If you had your gun you didn't need Batman and Robin and could take care of that 👺 yourself.

Good catch!

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@wakeupkitty that is why my husband will not let me get a permit to carry a gun, he says I have a temper, can you believe that, me a temper, but he is right.

I think I told you something about getting good upvote per post? Weren't you the one.

Am here with the weekends freewrite prompt.

If you want to mingle
Use this prompt that is single
With a pen, write. Not with spindle.
For the pro, join this one
24hrs before i close this prompt
Be inspired, write with all you've got.
Do have a nice weekend and don't forget to check on the @freewritehouse.
Do have a wonderful weekend and Happy Sunday in advance.

@botefarm Did you? You might have told me but I can not recall it. Do you mind refreshing my memory? Thank you for the free write prompt.

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