Free Write Friday prompt Confirm

in #freewrite5 years ago

this is my post for #freewrite Friday prompt confirm by @mariannewest

We have still not found bait to fish with, I can not confirm when we will be able to fish. My husband is going to set his traps again Monday, I was going to go see if I could find croakers today, but when I got up my husband told me there was one little rain squall about to hit us. Before I got my coffee poured it let loose, rained hard for quite a while. I turned the tv on and there was more coming at us so I did not go.

The other day when I went looking for bait reminded me of what I wanted to do with my baitwell before using it this year. Every time I do a circle water flows over the top on one side. We discussed different things to do to it and decided raising it up 2 inches would be the easiest way of fixing it. So I had to unhook it from my boat so we could work on it.IMG_20190502_111259.jpg

Then I sanded the wood around the top of it while my husband went to Home Depot to get 2 2x4's. we had to split them into so I could have 2-inch pieces to go around the top, he also bought some caulking and screws. IMG_20190502_120233.jpg

We put the caulking around the top of the baitwell and screwed the new wood down. I do not think it will overflow now.IMG_20190502_151133.jpg


I like the way you tell stories about what is going on right now, and get that prompt tucked in there somewhere. Glad you found a project to do, since it was raining and you were bait-less. Sorry I missed your posts for a few days. Been busy, and not feeling the best.

@scribblingrama I thought it was kind of tacky but I do not know what to write about other than my days. Don't worry about missing my post, you take care of yourself. And there is always a project, today I took some of my pompano reels apart and cleaned the insides and greased before putting them up till next year.

As you may have noticed, I sometimes use the daily prompt to write about my life, too, either current or past. Others do it, too. So I'm glad you, too, have figured out a way to work in those prompts!

@scribblingramma good to hear, I can not seem to get into writing fiction, probably because I am not a writer. lol I wish my husband would write, he has a great way with words. He will not go on any social media sites. He is an old fuddy-duddy when it comes to it.

Sounds like my hubby. Ha ha! Except mine doesn't like to write, and when he does, he always asks me how to spell a lot of words.

What do you use when you can't find any bait?

@blacklux we can not fish if we do not find bait, I think this is 3 weeks now without a paycheck. we have to find it soon.

I hope you guys finally find some bait!

@blacklux we both went today, husband went north and I went south, still no bait.

Baits, coming from a guy who lived all his life on land.

Well, am here to deliver the weekend freewrite prompt to you.

Take just one, write with us
Easy freewrite, no pun, write, don't pause.
Thinking of trying the trinity of it
Come on in, take it one by one, bit by bit.
Do have a lovely weekend.

@botefarm have you never been fishing?

I've never gone fishing in my life. We belong to the earth kingdom while you're from the water tribe. 😂 😂

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@botefarm earth kingdom and water tribe, I like it. You should give fishing a try, it can be relaxing and fun.

A nice project for a rainy day to do something you wanted fixed. Love hearing about your fishing. 😊

I am learning so much about fishing from you!

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