The Story Of Dave The Duck Part 1

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

“It’s a beautiful morning,” said Dave the duck. “I’m sure there’ll be lots of people with lots of bread.”


“I would hope so,” replied Dara, “but there is something strange.”

“What would that be?” asked Dave.

“I haven't seen any people yet.” replied Dara.

“What is the time?” asked Dave.

The nearby church clock chimed nine times.

“I think that answers my question."

"You are right," Dave continued. "Nobody is here yet. Perhaps there is a special event. I’m going for a walk.”

“Where to?” asked Dara.

“To look for bread. I'm hungry.”

Dave took a walk to the other end of the park. He went under the railway bridge.

“I've not seen any trains either,” said Dave to himself. “This is strange.”

He carried on waking until he reached a square which links the park to the town centre. This includes a supermarket. There is still no people and everything is closed

“How will I get bread?” thought Dave out loud. “I may have to go back to the pond and hope the people will come.”

As he started to walk back, Dave noticed a side door to the supermarket was left slightly ajar. He decided to walk through. He explored until he came to the shop floor.

Again, no sign of people.

There was plenty of bread in the bread section. Dave managed to open one packet and start eating. He thought to take some bread back to the pond to feed his friends, but then he had an idea.

One hour later, 25 hungry ducks entered the open side door to the supermarket. There was plenty of food to eat.

Dave even managed to go to the electronic section and set up a stereo system.

“What CD’s do we have?” asked Dara.

“Donny Osmond or Megadeth.”

“I don't want to hear Puppy Love,” said Dara.

“Megadeth it is then,” said Dave.

They also went to the clothes section.

“Let’s try on some hats. This is going to be the best party ever.”

To be continued


This is a rewrite of a story I wrote last week. It was only after a few days when I realised that this story has potential and could be a series. I wanted to rewrite it to set the writing style.

Prompt delivered by @mariannewest

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